Whose reality counts in evaluation? Building forward better with people-centered and adaptive evaluations


About the Event

This event draws on two key and interrelated topics that emerged over the last year in the knowledge sharing among members of the EvalForward Community of Practice:

1. Use of community feedback for adaptive programming. The ongoing pandemic has brought to the fore the importance of flexibility and adaptability of development and emergency interventions. Rapid evaluation and assessments and real-time approaches could play the role of collecting community feedback and providing inputs for adapting interventions to emerging needs of population. These evaluations have opportunities as well as methodological challenges.

2. Methods for enabling community participation and feedback in times of COVID. The pandemic has uncovered new challenges in reaching out to target groups and taking their perspectives into account in a representative manner in evaluations. This is especially true for marginalized groups, which are likely to be the ones most affected by the impacts of shocks such as pandemics and may also be residing in geographically remote locations. Vulnerabilities of groups such as indigenous people, women, youth, landless are exacerbated in times of shocks. It is thus important to ensure that data collection methods are designed to hear the voices of communities in evaluations, especially when evaluations are undertaken in the context of COVID.

In discussing these two topics, the event will focus in particular on examples of some ways in which adaptive programming and inclusive evaluations have been undertaken. Participants will also be able to share and put forward their perspectives and experiences. The sessions will thus be interactive and provide a forum for exchange of experiences and will be moderated by experienced development professionals. The sessions will be followed by a wrap up to bring together multiple lines of thought emerging from the discussions.


Opening remarks – Mr Indran Naidoo, Director, Independent Office of Evaluation, IFAD
Community-led approaches for adaptive responses and recovery - Johanna Pennarz, Senior Evaluation Officer, IFAD and Julie Thoulouzan, Senior Evaluation Officer, WFP

Part 1: Use of community feedback for adaptive programming
Facilitated by Jennifer Mutua, Evaluation Society of Kenya
- Highlights from the rapid evaluation of Covid impact in mountain areas – Ms Malika Bonfour president Association Ayur pour le Développement de la femme Rurale, Morocco
- Highlights from the rapid assessment of needs of migrant people – Ms Nayely Almanza Sustainable Landscapes Specialist, Rainforest Alliance Mexico.
- Discussion with participants

Part 2: Methods for enabling community participation and feedback in times of COVID Facilitated by Dee Jupp, Independent Social Development Consultant & Technical Advisor
- Highlights from the participatory outcome evaluation - Binod Chapagain, Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, USAID Green Invest Asia, Pact, Thailand
- Highlights from the evaluation of CDD in Papua and West Papua - Prashanth Kotturi, Evaluation Officer, IFAD
- Discussion with participants

Plenary and Conclusions by Jennifer Mutua and Dee Jupp


Name Title Biography
Indran A. Naidoo Director, Independent Office of Evaluation Indran is Director of the Independent Office of Evaluation, responsible for promoting accountability and learning and contributing to the improvement of the operational performance of IFAD. He is a globally experienced evaluation thought leader and manager with over over 25 years of experience.
Johanna Pennarz Senior Evaluation Officer Johanna is a lead evaluation officer at the Independent Office of Evaluation. She has been leading evaluations of IFAD's country strategies and programmes in Nigeria, Egypt and Georgia. She was also the lead author of the evaluation syntheses on gender and partnerships.
Julie Thoulouzan Senior Evaluation Officer Julie leads Complex Emergency Evaluations and oversees country strategic plan evaluations in Asia and Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia. Prior to this, she supported the strengthening of WFP decentralized evaluation function. She has over 20 years of humanitarian and development experience.
Malika Bounfour President Malika is an experienced project manager with track records working for government and private institutions in Morocco as well as development agencies. She has an agriculture engineering degree in Morocco and a PhD in Entomology from WSU-USA and is skilled in gender approach and policy evaluation.
Jennifer Mutua Evaluation expert Jennifer is a leading M&E, Gender, Program and Organizational Management Specialist, with over 10 years of relevant experience. Founder of Evaluation Society of Kenya (ESK). Under her organizational leadership Kenya declared the 2018 Winner of the EVALPARTNERS/EVALSDGs Global Outcomes Competition.
Nayali Almanza M&E expert Nayeli is an M&E professional with more than 9 years of experience in different organizations such as FAO, IOM, UNDP and NGOs.
Binod Chapagain Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor Binod holds a PhD in Development Studies from the Australian National University and brings over 20 years of multi-sectoral international development experiences, which broadly include project development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, research, and reporting.
Prashanth Kotturi Evaluation Officer Prashanth joined the Independent Office of Evaluation in October 2012. Since then he has worked in lead and support roles on a wide range of evaluations ranging from project evaluations, country portfolio evaluations to corporate level evaluations and evaluation synthesis.
Dee Jupp Evaluation expert With nearly 40 years of participatory development and qualitative research experience, Dee is passionate about people-centred research and creating new ways to include people’s voices, perspectives and lived reality. Currently she advises Empatika, a people-centred organization based in Indonesia.

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
