Increasing youth participation in evaluations

Panel Discussion

About the Event

The United Nations Network for Evaluation in Sub-Saharan Africa, has organized this panel on Increasing youth participation in evaluations, with the participation of several UN Agencies. The Agenda reads as follows:
- 5 min: Introduction UN Network for Evaluation in Sub-Saharan Africa at Glocal 2022

Case Studies
-10 min: Lessons from a participatory study on Growing up under Covid in Lebanon, Italy, UK and Singapore and applications to evaluation, Sara Rizzo (supported by Kay Lau), UN Women and UNICEF
-10 min: Experience in UNICEF with engaging youth in Evaluation, Ashley Wax (supported by Yasmin Almeida), UNICEF
-10 min: Lessons learned on working with young evaluators on South Africa; Mayibongwe Manyoba, WFP

-5 min: Questions and comments, All


Name Title Biography
Violeta Leiva Evaluation and KM Specialist Evaluation Specialist, with advanced studies in Development and International Relations. Experienced in Partnership building, Evaluation, and KM, with several years of diversified experience working with the public and private sectors for major international organizations (OECD, FAO, UNIC).
Sara Rizzo Evaluation Specialist International Specialist with advanced studies in International Relations, Urbanization, and Development. Currently working in Youth Economic Empowerment Programmes (Refugee Camps and Host Community) at UNICEF, previously in the private sector as a senior research manager in the UK.
Kay Lau Evaluation Advisor Regional evaluation specialist at UN Women’s East and Southern Africa Regional Office, responsible for delivering and managing program and portfolio evaluations. Before joining UN Women, Kay held monitoring, evaluation, and learning roles at Ecorys and Restless in the UK.
Ashley Wax Evaluation Specialist Regional Evaluation Specialist for the UNICEF, Europe and Central Asia Regional Office, she has managed regional evaluations related to country programmes, the COVID-19 response, migration response strategies, as well as advises country offices and national governments on evaluation conduct and use.
Mayibongwe Manyoba Evaluation Specialist Evaluation and Research Specialist based in Johannesburg serving at the World Food Program, currently working on the Emerging Evaluator programme.

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators Other Education Gender Responsive Evaluation NA-National M&E Systems Youth in Evaluation

Event Details
