Environmental sustainability - from 'do no harm' to restoration


About the Event

Footprint Evaluation aims to help evaluation practitioners and commissioners include environmental sustainability in all evaluations. This session will first describe how the OECD/DAC criteria call for addressing environmental sustainability. The session will then introduce a typology being developed that will assist a wide range of evaluations in assessing the effect of the interventions on natural systems and sustainability. Does the intervention achieve the standard we need where no net harm is caused to natural systems, does it contribute to the restoration of natural systems, or is it harmful to these systems? The session will seek to engage participants in discussion of the typology so that Footprint Evaluation can improve the typology and the types of support that would benefit evaluation practitioners and commissioners in using the typology.


Name Title Biography
Andy Rowe Partner Andy Rowe is a former President of the Canadian Evaluation Society and Fellow of the Society. He is one of the early contributors to evaluating sustainability, continues to contribute to the theory and practice of sustainability evaluation and is a founding partner of Footprint Evaluation.
Jane Davidson Partner Dr. Jane Davidson is an internationally recognized evaluation specialist, best known for developing evaluation rubrics as a methodology for drawing conclusions about quality and value. She has also made significant contributions in the areas of causal inference for qualitative and mixed methods, and

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators NA-Energy NA-Food Security & Nutrition NA-Peace & Security Poverty NA-Water & Sanitation Climate Change NA-National M&E Systems

Event Details
