How joint evaluation processes contribute to National Evaluation Capacity Development (NECD). Experiences from the practices in Argentina and Panama Governments and UNICEF

Panel Discussion

About the Event

1. Title: How joint evaluation processes contribute to National Evaluation Capacity Development (NECD). Experiences from the practices in Argentina and Panama Governments and UNICEF.

2.Objective: Share lessons learned from two Latin American on Early Child Development joint evaluations of the Argentina and Panama Governments and UNICEF:
Panelists will share learning on how evaluation could be conducted, fostering national evaluation capacity development. This including enabling environment, institutional capacities as well as individual capacities. And how development partners could better coordinate and collaborate on NECD at country level.

3.Panelists and facilitation:
• Argentina panelists: From the Government of Argentina, we will have the participation of the General Director of Strategic Social Information of the Ministry of Social Development, together with the UNICEF Argentina M&E officer
• Panama panelists: From the Government of Panama, we will have the participation of the Directorate of Social Protection Services (DISPROS) of the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES), together with the UNICEF Panama M&E officer
• The panel will be facilitated by the evaluation section of UNICEF LACRO

4.Object of panel discussion
The panelists will share their experience, lessons learned, opportunities and challenges around two concrete joint evaluation experiences:

In Argentina an evaluation of the early childhood centers on child development in the city of Buenos Aires (Argentina) (2019)

In Panama, the intervention object of evaluation was the Early Child Development Pilot “Mochila Cuidate” (2021). This is a "pilot to scale" design, that is part of the Panama National Strategic Plan 2019-2024, that promotes the development of early childhood throughout the country. This pilot was executed to be adapted to the specific conditions and context of the COVID 19 pandemic.

5. Panel discussion questions/topics. The discussion on opportunities and challenges will be organized around the following questions and topics:
• How to conduct evaluations, fostering national evaluation capacity development?
• How to support jointly national evaluation capacity development (including enabling environment, institutional capacities as well as individual capacities)?
• How development partners could better coordinate and collaborate on NECD at country level?


Name Title Biography
Ms. Anilena Mejia (Panelist - UNICEF) Monitoring and Evaluation officer Anilena Mejia is a Monitoring and Evaluation officer at the UNICEF Panama country office. She has a doctorate in research (psychology) from the University of Manchester (UK), she has experience in the evaluation of programs and public policies for children in Panama.
Mr. Carlos Rodriguez-Ariza (Panel Facilitator -UNICEF Regional Office) Multi Country Evaluation Specialist I am evaluation professional (as evaluation researcher, independent consultant and evaluation manager). Agronomist, I hold PhD and Masters Degrees in Evaluation of Policies and Programs. More than 20 years of experience researching, implementing and managing evaluations. Now UNICEF LACRO
Mr. Antonio Canaviri (Panelist - UNICEF Argentina) Monitoring and Evaluation officer Bolivian economist with Master in Social Policy and Economics and doctoral studies interested in monitoring, evaluation, economics, social policy, poverty, wellbeing, multidimensional approaches and econometrics. Relevant experience in M&E, social policy. Currently working at UNICEF Argentina
Ms. Silka Vuelvas (Panelist-Panama Government) Directorate of Social Protection Services (DISPROS) Director of Social Information Management at the Ministry of Social Development of Argentina. Specialized in monitoring and public policies for children and adolescents. He worked for 8 years with the Government of Argentina and for 10 years with UNICEF Argentina as an M&E officer.
Mr. Martín De Paula (Panelist-Argentina Government) General Director of Strategic Social Information Director of Social Information Management at the Ministry of Social Development of Argentina. Specialized in monitoring and public policies for children and adolescents. He worked for 8 years with the Government of Argentina and for 10 years with UNICEF Argentina as an M&E officer.

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators Other Education NA-National M&E Systems Youth in Evaluation

Event Details
