Lunch with inspiring evaluators -Africa


About the Event

A Networking Event in which experienced evaluators will be interviewed by Young and Emerging Evaluators to share the diverse trajectories of professionals who are dedicated to evaluation in the African region.

Evaluation is a profession that is not widely offered in universities, evaluators become such in different ways. There has been interest from those starting their career in the field of evaluation in knowing the various paths in which professionals have arrived at the evaluation field and how they have developed their careers in this profession.

The foregoing in the understanding that the multidisciplinary, multisectoral and multilevel nature of evaluation practice gives it a complexity and richness that constitutes a fertile field for analysis, learning and inspiration for many.

In this scenario, several virtual regional events will be implemented in which reflections on the trajectory of a selection of 3 or 4 evaluators with recognized trajectories will be shared, the session interviewers are Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) who will inquire on various aspects related to career development that can be inspiring for the audience.

In this space, reflections on the career trajectory of recognized evaluators and YEEs will be shared, with the goal to seek to generate synergies and promote intergenerational work strategies.

Additionally, this interview and exchange space between senior and junior evaluators will be implemented in other regions to stimulate a global conversation.


Name Title Biography
Florence Etta Chair Florence Etta is currently an evaluation entrepreneur actively engaged in supporting evaluation. Florence is the Vice Co-Chair of EvalSDGs and Vice-Chair of AfrEA. She served as Chair of UN Women Global Evaluation Advisory Committee between 2017 and 2019, 6th president of AfrEA.
Paddy Siyanga Knudsen Global evaluation consultant Paddy has over 17 years of professional experience as a Development Economist and Migration governance expert. Her work covers migration governance, diaspora engagement, development cooperation and regional integration.
Mary Nderito Monitoring and evaluation expert Mary Nderitu is professional monitoring and evaluation expert with over a decade of experience dedicated to monitoring, tracking, reporting, evaluation, learning and communication for development projects in NGOs, INGOs and private sector institutions.
Damaris Mulewa East Africa Regional Manager Damaris Mulewa holds a masters in Monitoring and Evaluation with more than nine years’ experience in management of programs/projects and development, use and evaluating Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL) systems.
Florence Nyambura M&E professional Florence Nyambura is an M&E professional. She is currently an employee of Consumer Insight Research Ltd, where she holds the position of Field Research Manager. She has over 6 years of research work both qualitative and qualitative.

Topics and Themes

NA-General Public NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators Youth in Evaluation

Event Details
