Capacity building workshops for Young and Emerging Evaluators Interns in Mongolia

Training | Hybrid

About the Event

Mongolian Evaluation Association started implementing 6-month Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) Internship program in collaboration with EvalYouth Mongolia Chapter and Young Mongolian Professionals Association on March 25, 2023 to support YEEs and decent work in Mongolia, and to contribute the UN SDGs including SDGs 4, 5, 8, 10, and 17. A total of 170 applications received and only 22 of them were admitted to the YEEs Internship program. This indicates that Mongolian youth are eager to learn about evaluation and gain skills of evaluation to pursue career in evaluation.

The objective of the YEEs internship program is to provide knowledge and skills in evaluation field to Mongolian youth aged 18-34 and help them to become an evaluator. Through this program, young people will be able to explore career opportunities in the evaluation field, learn from the experienced Mongolian and international evaluators, gain valuable practical experience and expand their network in evaluation.

During the gLocal, MEA will organize 2-day training sessions for the 22 YEE interns and MEA members with support of MEA's international friends and supporters from VOPEs around the world as speakers.

At the end of the 2-day training, the participants will have gained understanding of impact evaluation and realist evaluation and international opportunities in evaluation training, consultancy, volunteering and networking.


Training | Online
May 29, 2023 14:00 PM - 15:30 PM
Provide core and foundation understanding, theories, methods and application of evaluation to YEE interns, more specifically present on 'Impact Evaluation' and 'Realist Evaluation.'
Mongolian Evaluation Association Office Suite-806, 8th floor, Twin Tower-2, Seoul street-10/1, 2nd khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, 14251, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


Name Title Biography
Erdenechimeg Ulziisuren Founder & President, Mongolian Evaluation Association (MEA) Erdenechimeg Ulziisuren is the CEO & Founder of Cognos International LLC – evaluation and research firm specialized in the fields of of socio-economy, market, agriculture, environment and health. Ms. Erdenechimeg has had the privilege of working as an evaluator for many of the UN agencies such as the UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA and as a researcher for the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, UNESCO as well as for government agencies including National Statistics Office and private sectors. Ms. Erdenechimeg is a PhD candidate in Demography from the National University of Mongolia, and holds MSc in Social Research Methods from the London School of Economics in the United Kingdom and MA in Population and Reproductive Health Research from Mahidol University in Thailand.
Dr. Khishigt Dandarchuluun Co-Chair, MEA Quantitative Evaluation Methods Topical Interest Group (TIG) Dr. Khishigt Dandarchuluun is the Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at the National University of Mongolia (NUM). She received her PhD degree in Economics from Korea University, South Korea. Dr. Khishigt has 17 years of teaching experience. She qualified in quantitative analysis and applied micro econometrics — experience working on projects in policy impact assessment and external evaluation and monitoring.


Name Title Biography
Myagmartsermaa Delgersaikhan MEA Knowledge Task Force Team Member A graduate of Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary with Master's degree in Economic Analysis. She currently works as a ational Consultant in Monitoring and Evaluation for the Ministry of Finance for the World Bank's SFFS and SGM projects

Seminar | Online
May 30, 2023 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
This session will focus on understanding the international landscape of evaluation practice, particularly the network of VOPEs, their membership and interest in furthering evaluation capacity. Presenters will share their experience as evaluators and members of the American Evaluation Association, and share opportunities for engagement in professional development in the USA. Participants will be invited to reflect on their role as MEA members, and their opportunities to be proactive in furthering their evaluation capacity.
Zoom online


Name Title Biography
Amy Jersild Doctoral Candidate, Western Michigan University, Interdisciplinary PhD program in Evaluation • Doctoral Candidate, Western Michigan University, Interdisciplinary PhD program in Evaluation. Completion of degree anticipated in 2024. Research interests include meta-evaluation, and the professionalization and internationalization of evaluation. • Assistant Professor at SIT Graduate Institute in Washington DC, designing and teaching both graduate level theory and practice-based courses on evaluation in Washington DC, India and Jordan; • Independent evaluator since 1997 advising international agencies and donors on social development issues and programming. Clients include DFID, ILO, USDOL, UNDP, Rockefeller Foundation, and Adaptation Fund. • Internal evaluator as Deputy Director of Quality Programming from 2008-2012 in Bangkok leading international team effort to develop M&E framework for Hewlett Packard’s flagship global entrepreneurship education program. Active member of EvalPartners (member of EVALSDG group) Active member of AEA (member of the International Working Group)
Dr. Esther Nolton, Esther C. Nolton, PhD, MEd is a Program Officer in the Evaluation and Analysis division of the Strategy & Planning department at the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Esther C. Nolton, PhD, MEd (she/her) is an active leader within the American Evaluation Association and Washington Evaluators, including as the Immediate Past President of Washington Evaluators. And she is an informal adviser of MEA. Nolton is an established methodologist, evaluator, and facilitator with specializations in quantitative measurement, survey, and qualitative methodologies. She also has experience facilitating strategic planning, organizational learning, and evaluation policy processes from previous and current roles in federal government and non-profit organizations. Nolton continues to be committed to studying systemic factors that contribute to social inequities, policy and program evaluation, research and evaluation methods, democratizing evidence utilization, evidence-based policymaking, and organizational learning, behavior, and culture. She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in program evaluation, data-driven decision-making, research methods, and evidence-based medicine at American University, George Mason University, and the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine


Name Title Biography
Myagmartsermaa Delgersaikhan MEA Knowledge Task Force Team Member A graduate of Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary with Master's degree in Economic Analysis. She currently works as a ational Consultant in Monitoring and Evaluation for the Ministry of Finance for the World Bank's SFFS and SGM projects

Topics and Themes

VOPEs / Evaluation networks Students Youth Evaluation Networks Youth in Evaluation

Event Details
