Using Contribution Analysis to Strengthen Evaluations

Panel Discussion | Online

About the Event

Why Contribution Analysis?

The most common way to assess the impact of any intervention has been through experimental or quasi-experimental studies, where one can attribute the change to any intervention or policy. However, there are interventions where attributing change to a single cause is complex or impossible due to the presence of multiple influencing factors or the absence of a controlled environment. In such scenarios, one can only assess a particular intervention’s contribution to the change and not attribution.

What is Contribution Analysis?

Contribution Analysis is a methodology used to identify the “contribution” (rather than the classic attribution) a development intervention has made to a change or to achieve a goal. It is particularly valuable in contexts

What does the panel discussion offer?

Athena Infonomics proposes a panel discussion on contribution analysis to provide a comprehensive exploration of this methodology, covering its planning, execution, learnings, challenges, and prospects in policy interventions or any intervention to which change cannot be solely attributed.
The discussion will unfold with what contribution analysis is, and in what contexts it can be applied. The panel will draw insights from their experience of implementing this methodology in different contexts, and the results drawn from those evaluations.
Athena Infonomics in the past has conducted a contribution analysis for two of UNICEF’s programs in India. One of its thematic areas revolved around education and the other around health. The panel discussion will also enable one to understand how this method can be used in multiple contexts, how each approach is different from the other, and how one can adapt and alter the method to make the best possible use of it.

What do you take away after the discussion?

Lastly, we will discuss the results gathered from contribution analysis and how these findings/contributions ultimately feed into the overall evaluation approach and policy recommendations. This will enable participants to understand the importance of document reviews and qualitative approaches in evaluation and look beyond a quantitative approach to impact evaluation.
In summary, the panel discussion will provide a nuanced understanding of the methodology, offering valuable insights for evaluation practitioners, researchers, and policymakers.


Name Title Biography
Aikantika Das Senior Consultant, Athena Infonomics Aikantika is a qualitative researcher & specializes in leading & managing mixed methods research studies. Her key focus area is exploring policies and interventions with women's groups across various domains such as health; financial inclusion & livelihoods with gender as a cross-cutting theme.
Atishay Mathur Research and Evaluation Specialist, UNICEF Atishay Mathur is the Research and Evaluation Specialist at the UNICEF India and leads the research and evaluation pillar for the office. He manages evaluations commissioned by UNICEF in the country and oversees quality assurance measures for major research and studies commissioned by UNICEF.
Dr Jennifer Leavy Independent Evaluation Consultant/ Senior Research Fellow – School of Global Development University of East Anglia Jennifer is an evaluation consultant with 25 years’ experience in research, consultancy & policy advisory work. Her expertise combines quantitative skills with in-depth qualitative research & analysis. She has carried out evaluations for a range of organisations including FCDO, WFP, UNICEF, USAID.
Vinaygam R Principal Consultant-MEL, Athena Infonomics A MEL professional with 9 years of experience in the development sector, He specializes in experimental & quasi-experimental studies & mixed methods. He has worked on evaluation studies across portfolios like health, education, child protection. for organizations including CIFF, UNICEF, GIZ, etc.


Name Title Biography
Anupama Ramaswamy Associate Director- MEL, Athena Infonomics Ms. Anupama Ramaswamy has more than 10 years’ experience working in international development across multiple sectors, including workforce development, child protection, WASH, and public health. Anupama also brings multidisciplinary expertise in leading project design, monitoring and evaluation, and qualitative research. She has worked in Asia and Africa, including India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam, Kenya, Uganda, and Papua New Guinea. Her experience includes work with UN agencies, the World Bank, non- governmental organizations, the private sector, and national governments. Anupama has previously handled multi-partner and multi-stakeholder engagements, such as for a Comprehensive Evaluation of the Global Challenges Research Fund.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Participatory/ Community based/ Collaborative Evaluation

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