GEI Hosts gLOCAL Events on Gender, Health, Communications, and Young Evaluators

gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2024 | Watch the recordings of GEI's gLOCAL sessions on gender, health, communications, and empowerment of young evaluators
As part of gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2024, GEI hosted four knowledge-sharing sessions on gender, health, communications, and the empowerment of young evaluators.
10 June 2024

The Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) hosted four knowledge-sharing sessions for gLOCAL Evaluation Week, an annual global event organized by GEI to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas within the evaluation community. 

This year, gLOCAL took place from June 3 to 7 with 368 online and in-person events hosted by individuals, organizations, and institutions from around the world.

In line with the gLOCAL 2024 theme, GEI's sessions examined the role of evaluation in driving transformative change through the lens of gender, health, communications, and empowering young evaluators.


Evaluation for Transformation: The Power of Feminist Approaches

How can feminist approaches make evaluation more transformational? In this gLOCAL session, we explored feminist evaluation and its role in accelerating progress towards gender equality and social justice. Panelists presented practical applications of feminist approaches, demonstrating their potential to make evaluation a driver of transformational change.


How can evaluation better support global health financing institutions to achieve the health SDGs?

This gLOCAL session explored challenges and opportunities in global health evaluation. Panelists raised the need to align evaluation with institutional culture, the importance of engaging stakeholders, and the potential for reimagining evaluation. They proposed practical levers for catalyzing change, including lowering entry barriers, delivering preliminary results earlier, and optimizing resource allocation.


Demystifying Evaluation: Communication Strategies for Making Evaluation More Engaging and More Inclusive

How do you sell evaluation? In this gLOCAL session, communications experts from various regions shared strategies for promoting evaluation to different target audiences. Panelists emphasized the importance of understanding target audiences, listening to stakeholders, focusing on messages that communicate results and impact, tailoring content to intended audiences, and bringing out the human element in each story.


How can evaluation change the world? Empowering Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) to contribute to transformational change

In this gLOCAL session, seasoned evaluators shared their experiences with YEEs. They shed light on the power of evaluation to measure impact and advocate for change. The discussions highlighted the importance of diverse perspectives and the need for old and young evaluators to work together to make evaluation more transformational.