Evaluation in Development

A series of online and offline events

About the Event

EvalJordan will hold several events (online and offline) during the International Evaluation week. The planned agenda is as follows:
1. Online campaign on EvalJordan social media venues, where every day we will share at least one article about evaluation methods, lessons learnt and reference evaluation reports
2. Online debate on EvalJordan LinkedIn Page about “What are the key challenges at global & local levels for evaluation?"
3. Outcome Harvesting classroom training/innovations in evaluation approaches.
4. Hold 2 panels about SDGs evaluation with a special focus on SDG 5


June 1, 2020 08:00 AM - 18:00 PM
EvalJordan will share some insightful links and documents about innovative evaluation methods with special attention to equity focused and gender responsive (EFGR) evaluations on its social media venues including Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, MENA Arabic sub-group of Gender and Evaluation, and WhatsApp. EvalJordan has around 1500 follower on LinkedIn, around 700 followers on Facebook and twitter. EvalJordan has a WhatsApp group for its members that we use for sharing lessons learnt, news and experiences. EvalJordan also facilitated the creation of the MENA Arabic sub-group “Evaluation in Arabic” on the EvalGender+ virtual platform and is advocating to reach out to more members from the region. EvalJordan will continue positing at least one post every day during the evaluation week.


Name Title Biography

June 2, 2020 18:00 PM - 19:00 PM
Evaljordan will hold an online discussion/debate on its LinkedIn page to discuss “What are the key challenges at global and local levels for evaluation in the context of the 2030 development agenda, and how are they linked” EvalJordan will announce this event one week prior to the discussion, then a reminder will be announced two days earlier. EvalJordan’s Training Coordinator will lead the discussion.


Name Title Biography
Hayat Askar EvalJordan Vice Chair M&E and Data Visualization expert with over 10 years of experience in international development working with various stakeholders from the government, international donors (USAID, EU) and the private sector. Gender Focal Point. A board member in EvalJordan Association since July 2017.

June 5, 2020 10:00 AM - 16:00 PM
EvalJordan will hold an online training about “Outcome Harvesting”. Outcome harvesting is a monitoring and evaluation methodology used to identify, describe, verify and analyse the changes brought about through a development intervention. The training will be delivered by Dr. Michael Steffens. EvalJordan will offer this training free of charge to its members.


Name Title Biography
Dr. Michael Steffens Attaché - Aid Coordination, Quality Support & Governance Dr. Steffins studied Economics, Political Science, International Relations and Sociology. Michael held positions as evaluation officer at the European Commission. Currently, he works on aid coordination, quality support and governance at the EU Delegation in Jordan.

June 2, 2020 18:00 PM - 19:00 PM
EvalJordan will hold a discussion about “Why gender and perspectives of marginalised voices (Leave no one behind) must be being considered in evaluations and in preparation of VNRs aside of SDG5”. What is SDG5 and how can evaluators integrate it in their work. Why is there a “+” in EvalGender+. Why international initiatives such as EvalPartners, EvalGennder+, and EvalSDGs put global efforts to perform reviews of the VNRs and what learning is emerging out of this. Whether and how evaluation and gender equality is covered by VNRs. How countries, and MENA region in particulier, use evaluation and incorporate gender-responsive () evaluative evidence in VNRs, main findings of VNRs reviews. How advocacy for more EFGR evaluations can be reached to enrich evaluation practices and enhance the role of evidence in promoting gender equality and equity.


Name Title Biography
Abeer Hakouz President NA
Kassim El-Saddik Vice Co-Chair EVALSDGs Kassem is an independent program evaluator. He is a founding member of EvalMENA and the Lebanese Evaluation Society. Kassem is currently vice-Chairing the EVALSDGs network. He has contributed to many publications on evaluation of the Agenda 2030 and was on the organizing committees of many of EvalMENA Evaluation Conferences over the last 5 years.
Rania Fazah Evaluation and Capacity Development Consultant A seasoned consultant practicing for over 15 years, Rania Fazah started and is a managing partner at Elephas Consultants Inc. Rania works primarily in conflict and fragile contexts, she led several evaluations and capacity development assessments for UN agencies, USAID, Canadian agencies, governmental agencies and European agencies. Between 2016 and 2018 Rania lead efforts on supporting International Development Resource Centre in designing, assessment, monitoring and performance measurement of research grants in Egypt (3), Lebanon (2) and Tunisia (2) under the Employment & Growth portfolio implemented in the MENA region focusing on youth and women economic empowerment. In the period between 2015 and 2017 was involved in designing, monitoring and evaluating interventions around women’s leadership in countering violent extremism under the framework of Women, Peace, and Security resolution in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kenya, Libya, Pakistan, Syria, and Tunisia. Prior to that, Ms. Fazah was the Middle East Representative and Researcher for the London-based Business and Human Rights Resource Centre focusing on corporate compliance with human rights. She served as the Regional Program Officer for IKV Pax Christi, a Dutch-based peace organization, where she was responsible for co-managing the Middle East Program in Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. Prior to that Ms. Fazah acted as Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator for Naseej the Community Youth Development Program at Save the Children guiding the overall monitoring and evaluation of youth development projects and activities in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza, and Yemen.
Svetlana Negroustoueva EvalGender+ Co-Chair Svetlana is a monitoring and evaluation, learning and gender expert with over 15 years of experience incorporating gender and equity focus, underlined by my feminist principles, into evaluations, and monitoring activities. Her M&E assignments have been from the range of funders, and sectors, with a strong focus on gender, social inclusion, climate change, environment and health. She is currently s Principal Evaluation Officer at the independent evaluation office of the African Development Bank, where she finished evaluation of Gender Mainstearming and is working on Evaluation of Civil Society Engagement at the AfDB.

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-General Public NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
