Undertaking rapid assessments and realtime monitoring in the COVID-19 context – lessons from UNICEF South Asia


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UNICEF ROSA and Country Offices will present their experience and lessons learned of implementing rapid assessments and real-time monitoring approaches, using remote data collection methods, to assess the Covid-19 situation, particular for vulnerable populations. UNICEF ROSA will share lessons of nine recent country cases, while the UNICEF Country Offices will present their approach: community-based monitoring focused on vulnerable groups (India), longitudinal rapid assessment of Covid-19 (Pakistan) and the Child and Family Tracker (Nepal). This is followed by discussion and Q&A with presenters about topics such as methodological trade-offs and evidence uptake.


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K. D. Maiti Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Mr. Maiti will present the longitudinal Community-Based Monitoring (CBM) mechanism, implemented by UNICEF India in partnership with Civil Society Organizations and community volunteers, to gather evidence directly from vulnerable families living in communities affected by COVID-19.
Muhammad Faisal Khalil C4D RCCE Consultant Mr. Khalil will share the experience of UNICEF Pakistan of implementing a longitudinal rapid assessment with national coverage using mobile technologies to rapidly gather community-level data to inform the Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Usha Mishra Hayes Chief Social Policy, Evidence and Evaluation Ms. Mishra Hayes will present UNICEF Nepal's Child and Family Tracker, a real time evidence generating exercise in the form of a national panel survey to rapidly and iteratively capture data for a comprehensive analysis of the evolving COVID-19 situation among children and their families.
Tom Pellens Evaluation Specialist Mr. Pellens will share the key lessons of a cross-case synthesis of nine rapid assessments and real time monitoring exercises implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic in six countries in the South Asian region.


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