Conflict Analysis as a Tool for Change: An Approach Towards Accountability

Webinar Presentation with Q&A

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The Jordan Development Evaluation Association (EvalJordan) is a national professional association in Jordan; aiming at raising the awareness of evaluation value among national organizations to improve their effectiveness, building and enhancing the capacities of professionals in the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) field, and creating the linkages with regional and international evaluation institutions.

EvalJordan’s objective in participating in gLOCAL Evaluation Week is to maintain the momentum of dialogue regarding evaluation at various levels (local, regional and international). The gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2021 program has rekindled the concept of intersectionality and the interlinkages of and within thought and practice.

EvalJordan intends to hold three events that are in line with this year’s theme ‘’Building Forward Better’’ during the gLocal Evaluation week. The events will address the need for the latest tools in evaluation in the context of resilience and uncertainty in different spheres, and simplifying the complexities of practice; ownership and accountability of monitoring and evaluation systems. The experiences presented are primarily from the Non-Governmental Organizations sector, furthermore shed light on the intersectionality of the latest evaluation methods and trends with other sectors.

Through a case study, this event will focus on the importance of understanding communities, organizational and systemic landscapes and their needs in order to improve accountability, ownership, sector agility, mobilization, social cohesion, conflict prevention and adaptability, as well as the utilization of technology and communications.

The event will depict an experience-based case study of how evaluation methods can be used in real life situations to better inform decisions, address challenges, create meaningful courses of action and make impactful results for multiple stakeholders.

Conflict analysis is a research approach that informs programming by identifying and tracking the change in the dynamics and evolution of a conflict over a period of time as well as keeping our institutional memory updated on dividing lines in a certain community and the level of their vulnerabilities thus increasing the overall adequateness of our interventions by making necessary adaptations required.

Malik Alkhawaja and Chantal Tayyar, will present how conflict analysis helped Search for Common Ground’s understanding of trends, blockers, and opportunities to social cohesion amongst and between host communities and Syrian refugees in Lebanon and how it informed key media messaging that fostered social relationships in the face of unprecedented challenges such as the Beirut Blast, COVID-19, and the economic crisis.


Nombre Título Biografía
Malik Alkhawaja Regional Design, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer of the Institutional Learning Team Malik Alkhawaja holds a Graduate Certificate in Social Sciences and an MA in European Studies. Working in MandE with INGOs, Malik has developed extensive professional and technical skills in quality control, research and leading evaluations as well as learning.
Chantal Tayar MEAL Manager Chantal Tayar holds a Master degree in Public Health in the specialty of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Chantal has experience in the (MEAL) sector, as well as the non-profit sector with a background in mental health management and research.


Organizaciones sin fines de lucro Público en general Practicantes Estudiantes

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