Lessons from evaluations about effective responses to past crises in Rwanda


Sobre el evento

This session will focus on lessons learned from evaluations about past crises in Rwanda. We envisage two case studies, very contextualized. The session will be held in the afternoon with two different facilitators, each will focus on one specific case study (past evaluations). This session will also be held virtually using WEBEX and the same number (70) of participants is expected to attend. Online breakaway session and plenary sessions will form part of this session. All participants will be registered, and a feedback form shall be filled by all participants at the end of each session.


Nombre Título Biografía
Judith Kaitesi Katabarwa Founder, RMEO Judith has 20 years of work experience in the public and Private sectors, as well as Civil Society Organizations and the United Nations, with practical experience across delivery sectors including, agriculture, Trade and Industry, Infrastructure, Education, Local Government, Environment and Mining.


Académicos Oficiales de gobierno Organizaciones sin fines de lucro Sector Privado Público en general Hacedores de política pública Practicantes Estudiantes

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