Workshop for emerging MEL practitioners on inclusive and participatory MEL


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Itad would like to convene two learning and exchange workshops for young and emerging evaluators from across the world. These events aim to open a space for junior M&E professionals to learn and improve existing skills, network with their peers and come up with innovative ideas that can contribute to broader thinking around ‘building back better’ with a user focus in the MEL field.

The target audience for these workshops are young and emerging evaluators seeking opportunities to exchange knowledge, experience and ideas for using participatory methods in all evaluation stages, particularly to work with youth in conditions in which interactions are increasingly virtual.

This event has limited spaces, please register in advance to secure your spot.


1 ° de Junio, 2021 15:30 PM - 18:00 PM
CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATION - Are you under 35 and/or have less than 3 years of experience in M&E or development? - Do you have a working level of English? (This is because the event will be run in English) - Are you interested in learning about participatory MEL methods? STRUCTURE OF THE SESSION • Itad’s experience in participatory data collection with young people: in-person and remote examples • Description of a project situation that requires remote and participatory data collection methods, identifying key issues arising • Group exercise: participants are randomly assigned to groups, with the task of making suggestions to address these data collection issues • Groups present their solutions in plenary. Presenters should aim to demonstrate how their suggested solutions are effective, inclusive and innovative. • Wrap up on key ideas and learnings emerged during groupwork and presentations. • Best groupwork is chosen by workshop organisers according to criteria of feasibility, creativity and equity.


Nombre Título Biografía
Laura Hopkins Senior Consultant Laura Hopkins leads Itad’s thinking on policy and advocacy evaluation. She has supported Itad to refine a flexible approach that can be applied in a wide range of advocacy settings, from global health financing in donor countries, to family planning policy implementation in the global south. Through her work, Laura has gained a deep insight into the complexity of policy change, and the roles various actors can play within this. She is part of the team evaluating UK support to UN and Red Cross/Red Crescent agencies, which pays particular attention to the role of the innovative financing mechanism of Payment by Results. Laura’s previous experience includes two years managing a portfolio of DFID-funded economic reform projects in Afghanistan. She has also worked as an independent consultant supporting implementation teams to design and manage monitoring, evaluation and learning systems in sectors as diverse as energy, infrastructure, and natural resource management. Laura holds a master’s in the economics of public policy from the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, and is skilled in a mix of both qualitative and quantitative evaluative methods.
Bridget Dillon Vice-president of UKES Bridget Dillon is currently an independent evaluation consultant, and Vice President of the U.K. Evaluation Society (UKES). She has worked briefly in academia, in international NGOs, DFID, and the multilateral system. Her experience is largely in Africa, but also in Brazil and Asia. She has commissioned, managed and undertaken evaluations.
Becka Kindler Consultant Becka Kindler joined Itad in 2019 as part of the first cohort of research analysts and was promoted to a consultant in 2021. After working across a range of areas including international health systems strengthening, humanitarian assistance, and policy and advocacy, her work now focuses on conflict, peace and security. Concentrating on utilisation-focused evaluations, Becka has experience delivering portfolio and fund-level evaluations, real-time monitoring and quality assurance assessments. In her role as a consultant, she also works across areas of project management, contracting and financial monitoring. Prior to joining Itad, Becka studied at the University of Sussex, where she completed an MA in Conflict, Security and Development. Her thesis focused on the ‘hostile environment’ immigration policy in the UK and the wider European strategy towards immigration. Her research interests cover migration, policy analysis, and the ways in which insecurity and violence affect development.
Fabio Bezerra Evaluation Consultant Fabio is a young evaluator moved by the desire to contribute to community-based development and empowerment of local actors. Currently involved in monitoring and evaluation exercises, with focus on building capacity for results-based management at UNICEF Moz, he tries to blend his experiences with local knowledge to facilitate a collective construction of sustainable solutions to community desires. Passionate for human rights, multiculturalism, and heavily driven by solidarity.

4 de junio, 2021 12:00 PM - 14:30 PM
• Itad’s experience in participatory data analysis and synthesis: in-person and remote examples (15 minutes) • Description of a project situation that requires remote and participatory analysis, synthesis and dissemination methods, identifying key issues arising • Group exercise: participants are randomly assigned to groups, with the task of making suggestions to address these issues • Groups present their solutions in plenary • Wrap up on key ideas and learnings emerged during groupwork and presentations • Best groupwork is chosen by workshop organisers according to criteria of feasibility, creativity and equity.


Nombre Título Biografía
Jon Cooper Partner Jon Cooper co-leads Itad’s work on health and education. He has more than 16 years’ experience in SRH (sexual and reproductive health), GHS (global health security), health system strengthening, health advocacy and institutional effectiveness. In SRH, Jon heads evaluations of some of the world’s largest programmes, including WISH, DFID’s flagship investment in SRH, and Adolescents 360, the Gates/CIFF funded ‘Adolescent 360’ youth-focused investment. In GHS, he leads the evaluation of the Fleming Fund antimicrobial resistance surveillance programme. He has also led the evaluation of Public Health England’s International Health Regulation programme and the Wellcome Trust’s Drug Resistant Infection programme. Jon enjoys using evidence to drive innovation in programme improvement, and has worked with many partners to find solutions to long-running, thorny issues including Wellcome, Gavi, the Global Fund and HMG. He was previously Director of Evidence, Strategy & Innovation at Marie Stopes International, after acting as its Country Director in Uganda.
Stefanie Wallach Associate Partner and US Director As an Associate Partner and Itad’s US Director, Stefanie Wallach has two focus areas. She leads on our portfolio of work on governance, policy and advocacy and research impact, and heads up our office in Washington, D.C. She has over 20 years’ experience in international development programme leadership and MEL across more than 20 countries. Stefanie’s technical expertise is in portfolio evaluation, organisational evaluation, learning partnerships, and training and capacity building. Her work spans a range of sectors and development areas including policy advocacy, evidence-informed decision-making, health and agriculture. She is skilled both in managing teams for complex evaluations and as a senior member of teams delivering evaluations using theory-based and utilization-focused approaches, contribution analysis and case-based evaluation. Stefanie joined Itad in 2016. She brings to Itad over 20 years’ experience managing health programmes, including eight years based in Latin America and Asia. She has high-level experience developing cross-cultural country platforms for international development organisations, leading organisational change and restructuring, and establishing and improving organisational systems.
Giovanna Voltolina Consultant Giovanna Voltolina is a Consultant at Itad. She carries out research and analysis for projects in health and is a member of Itad's Knowledge Hub. Giovanna has experience in quantitative and qualitative research methods, data visualisation and workshop facilitation. Prior to joining Itad, Giovanna was Curriculum Development Fellow at the NGO EarthRights International in Chiang Mai, Thailand, gained experience at the think tank Universal Rights Group in Geneva and volunteered with Emergency NGO and the Italian Red Cross. Giovanna earned her master’s degree in development studies at Cambridge University and holds a degree in languages and international relations from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. She is fluent in English, Italian and Spanish and is currently studying French.
Fernanda Pinheiro Sequeira Consultant Fernanda Pinheiro Sequeira joined Itad in 2019 as a Project Administrator, assisting with project management and project delivery, and moved on to be Research Analyst the same year. She carries out analysis and research in projects focused on health and has experience in managing complex evaluations (including portfolio evaluations). Fernanda has experience in a variety of industries and sectors and has been working in international development for the last three years. She holds an MA in social development from the University of Sussex, where she wrote her dissertation on the impact of the Zika virus epidemic on the abortion debate in Brazil. Fernanda has previously worked at small grassroots charities on refugee education in Greece and in Brazil, as a consultant in the private sector and as a financial manager at a publicly-funded museum. These experiences have added great value to her ability to deliver projects in complex environments.


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