Strengthening grassroots M&E post pandemic lockdown

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South Africa has been the hardest hit country by the COVID 19 pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa. The country went into hard lockdown to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. These stringent measures resulted in sudden stop of community activities by NGOs, CSOs and other organizations that support communities leaving incapacitated Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to provide frontline services for health and social ills including GBV. CBOs were not able to cope with M&E and use of data to manage activities taking a backseat. This resulted in inefficient responses and showed the need to build resilience in these frontline CBOs.
The aim of the proposed panel discussion is to start a conversation in South Africa of the need to not only build resilience in programs but also M&E and data use which shapes the responses in a rapidly changing environment. It is targeted towards NGOs, CSOs and other organizations that support CBOs. It will also target other M&E experts and the general public.
The anticipated outcome of the panel discussion is to have organizations that support CBOs understand the need for M&E capacity building particularly in preparing for emergencies and a changing environmental landscape.
Proposed program:
A virtual panel discussion with representatives from 3 CBO, and 2 M&E expert. The CBOs will discuss the challenges particularly in M&E and data use that they faced during the hard COVID 19 lockdown in South Africa. The M&E experts and will provide insights on lessons learnt, how to meet basic M&E needs in an emergency and how CBOs can be supported to prepare and strengthen their M&E activities when faced with rapidly changing program priorities. researchLinkME will describe its current activities to support M&E and data use for CBOs post the pandemic lockdown.
This virtual panel will be hosted via Zoom for 2 hours with an open Q&A session for public engagement at the end. This platform provides an easy to use engagement forum and also supports virtual Q&A and an ability to count the number of participants and reach of the discussion. As the aim is to spark conversations and show case the need for CBO M&E support. Follow up virtual sessions that deep dive into the various proposed support mechanisms will be planned in the next few months.


Nombre Título Biografía
Nicoletta Mabhena Dr A population-based epidemiologist and M&E specialist with over 20 years of professional experience in Africa. She has experience in M&E conceptualization and implementation for health and social programmes. She has worked in various capacities supporting M&E activities in sub-Saharan Africa.


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