Sharing Experiences on Uptake of Evaluation Results for Policy Decisions

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Sobre el evento

Many bi- and multilateral development organisations and to some extent public institutions have long-standing experience in establishing advanced results based management (RBM) systems with evaluations as core element. The main objective of integrating evaluations as standard instrument into RBM systems or program and policy cycles is to provide evidence for program and policy decisions. This panel brings together experienced experts from international organisations and public institutions to share and discuss lessons learned on success stories and failures with regard to introducing and using standardised evaluation formats within programme or policy cycles for evidence based decision making.

Main issues discussed:
- How to ensure uptake and relevance of evaluation results by policy makes for evidence based decision making?
- What are key evaluation questions relevant to policy makers?
- What are major take-aways with regard to introducing and using RBM systems within international organisations and public institutions (do’s and don’ts)?


Nombre Título Biografía
Chaitali Chattopadhyay Regional Evaluation specialist for the Arab States region Chaitali Chattopadhyay is an evaluation and learning expert and currently works with UN Women as the Regional Evaluation specialist for the Arab States region. Her evaluation experience spans the development and humanitarian sector.
Matodzi Amisi Research Associate Matodzi is a research associate at the Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR-AA) working to support African governments in establishing and strengthening evaluation systems. Matodzi has a keen interest in M&E and evidence use in the prevention of interpersonal violence.
Carolina Zúñiga Analyst Sociologist, graduate of the Master's Degree in Evaluation from the University of Costa Rica, with 10 years of experience in the field of evaluation.


Académicos Oficiales de gobierno Público en general Hacedores de política pública

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