Microeconomics in policy making: poverty reduction using randomized evaluation


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Penerapan ekonomi mikro dalam pengambilan kebijakan: Bagaimana evaluasi acak berkontribusi terhadap penanggulangan kemiskinan?


Efforts to reduce poverty can take many forms, including in the form of microeconomics policies. In Indonesia, social assistance programs are one among those efforts. However, identifying the people experiencing poverty as the program beneficiary can be challenging. The government of Indonesia worked together with J-PAL affiliated researchers to conduct two randomized evaluations on social assistance programs' targeting methods. Which methods were better at identifying program beneficiaries? How did researchers conduct the evaluation?

Find out more by joining this webinar and grab your chance to learn about internship opportunities at J-PAL SEA.

This webinar is designed for undergraduate and graduate students from universities across Indonesia, 100 participants at maximum.


Upaya penanggulangan kemiskinan dapat dilakukan dalam berbagai bentuk, termasuk melalui kebijakan mikro ekonomi. Di Indonesia, program bantuan sosial termasuk ke dalam salah satu upaya tersebut. Akan tetapi dalam pelaksanaannya, mengidentifikasi individu atau rumah tangga yang berhak mendapat bantuan sosial sering kali menjadi sebuah tantangan. Pemerintah Indonesia bekerja sama dengan peneliti terafiliasi J-PAL untuk melakukan dua evaluasi acak mengenai metode penentuan penerima manfaat program bantuan sosial di Indonesia. Metode mana yang lebih baik dalam mengidentifikasi penerima bantuan? Bagaimana peneliti melakukan evaluasi tersebut?

Cari tahu lebih lanjut dengan menghadiri webinar ini dan dapatkan kesempatan untuk mengetahui peluang internship di J-PAL SEA.

Webinar ini diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa/i di seluruh Indonesia dengan kuota terbatas hanya untuk 100 orang.


Nombre Título Biografía
Farah Amalia Senior Policy, Communications and Training Manager As a Senior PCT Manager, Farah is involved in capacity building for local researchers as well as internal capacity building of J-PAL Southeast Asia staff. Farah also connects J-PAL Southeast Asia with government and non-government organizations interested in evidence-based policymaking.
Adiyati Dwitami Policy Associate Adiyati Putri Dwitami is a Policy Associate at J-PAL Southeast Asia. As part of the policy team of the Inclusive Financial Innovation Initiative (IFII), Dwita assists in developing new research partnerships and conducts policy outreach for evidence dissemination.
M. Thoriq Akbar Research Associate Mochamad Thoriq Akbar is a Research Associate at J-PAL SEA where he works on randomized evaluation on school-based intervention. Previously, he worked at Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives where he managed an impact evaluation project on health worker team-based deployment.


Estudiantes Educación Pobreza Sistemas Nacionales de M&E Jóvenes en evaluación

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