Why and how to base development cooperation on rigorous evidence? An empirical study from Germany


Sobre el evento

In this seminar we present insights from a BMZ-funded research project at DEval that investigated the implementation of rigorous impact evaluation (RIE) and the use of rigorous evidence in GDC. We will discuss why taking up results from rigorous studies as well as generating new rigorous evidence is crucial for policy making. We will look at the barriers to evidene-informed decision making for German development cooperation. We will further present next steps that could foster evidence-informed decision making. While the study focuses on German development cooperation we suspect that results are equally insightful for other countries.

The full report can be downloaded from the project's website: https://rie.deval.org/fileadmin/Redaktion/PDF/03_Methoden/RIE/DEval_Research_Report_2021_Rigorous_Impact_Evaluation_in_German_DC.pdf


Nombre Título Biografía
Marion Krämer Teamleader Dr Marion Krämer leads a research project on rigorous impact evaluation at DEval since 2018. She is an economist by training and hold a PhD in development economics from the University of Göttingen.


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