Remote Data Collection Tools and Trends: How Changes During COVID-19 Can Translate to Richer Remote Data Collection in Challenging Environments


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Which, if any, of the increasingly popular tools and emerging trends observed in remote data collection during the COVID-19 pandemic continue to guide monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities moving forward?

This roundtable and facilitated Q&A with M&E practitioners from Guidehouse will give participants the opportunity to learn from their experiences and lessons learned designing programs, conducting monitoring activities, and leading evaluations for various U.S. Government actors around the world. The roundtable will discuss the tools and methodologies that have demonstrated the greatest value so far and explore emerging trends in remote data collection. The group will also discuss the largest areas for growth and what new methodologies could be useful in addressing those weaknesses.

This conversation will allow the presenters and audience members to reflect on and share what has worked well in this continually changing environment and consider tools and methods that will be the future of data collection.


Nombre Título Biografía
Samantha Brister Managing Consultant Sam is a Managing Consultant with Guidehouse where she focuses on internationally facing clients. Her areas of specialization include data transparency and integrity, organizational redesign, and change management support.


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