CLEAR-AA’s third frontier in building effective national evaluation systems – towards a focus on sectoral ECD interventions

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The emergence of the Global Evaluation Initiative comes at a critical point for the Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD) community. Various developmental challenges in the global economy necessitate greater undertaking of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and use of evidence thereof to respond to crises such as global economic shocks brought about by the global health pandemic (COVID-19) of the past two years. Added to these global challenges, fundamental and long-running socio-economic and political challenges have constrained socio-economic development and environmental sustainability for a while in the Global South. The Anglophone African environment within which the Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results-Anglophone Africa (CLEAR-AA) works is not insulated from the said socio-economic, political, and environmental challenges. CLEAR-AA is in an ECD transitional phase that seeks to operationalize the GEI alliance’s priorities, namely: gender and equity; state fragility and conflict; youth empowerment; and climate change adaptability.

The developmental priorities of GEI necessitate CLEAR-AA to now pivot from sectoral ECD, having established central M&E mechanisms and infrastructure with public sector oversight institutions. In this panel session, we will discuss key lessons CLEAR-AA has learned from its first two phases of ECD:
Phase 1 focused on evaluation capacity building [individual training] and
Phase 2 focused on system wide ECD interventions targeting institutions and individuals), as well as how we plan to apply these lessons when pivoting to sectoral work, where M&E systems are most sustainable.
Phase 3 the Centre will also experiment with innovative M&E approaches such as the application of Made in Africa Evaluation methodologies in this third phase of CLEAR-AA ‘s ECD mission, while not excluding experimentation with technological means of data collection for M&E in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).


Nombre Título Biografía
Takunda Chirau Deputy Director Dr Takunda Chirau is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results-Anglophone Africa (CLEAR-AA), in charge of the Centre's ECD programmes.
Lebohang Moloi Programme Manager Miss Moloi has a Master's in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She has experience in leading donor-funded projects such as USAID.
Mayibongwe Mncube M&E Officer Mr Mncube is a Master's Candidate in Monitoring and Evaluation at the University of the Witwatersrand. He has previously worked as a researcher at the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa.
Ayabulela Dlakavu Programme manager Ayabulela is a Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Specialist at CLEAR-AA, and has been involved in the Centre's ECD programmes. He is also a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Johannesburg.


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