Defining a people-centered meaningful evaluation framework for the assessment of advisory performances

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Designing M&E of RAS is a rather complex task since its potential end-users and purposes are numerous and all of them have different stakes and needs and as well play a role in service provision and its performance.
Also, the subject under M&E processes is complex since the quality of a service provision depends and relies on three less predictable variables: i) the availability of knowledge of the advisor, in terms of competencies, skills and abilities; ii) the capacity of the advisor to perform the service; iii) the capacity of the clients to access and use the advisory services.
The implementation of evaluation to RAS implies the systematic collection of information about the activities, characteristics and outcomes of certain advisory services to make judgments on their quality, in view of improving the provision and enable advisors increasing the respective capacity and ability to perform good quality services. As well, the implementation of monitoring processes to RAS provision relates to the efficient management of the provided services, that helps on going-adjustments with respect to quality targets, through on-going collection of crucial information on contents, methods and tools in use, types of served farmers/clients, modalities of service provision.
This panel session aims at presenting and discussing an evaluation framework of the RAS that has been developed based on the views and expectations of local advisory services with the purpose of helping self-assessments of performances and their better integration within agricultural knowledge and innovation systems.
This will allow broadening the evidence base and use of data of M&E practitioners through deepening the knowledge about meanings and performances f advisory service along with understanding of policy interventions.
Questions will be proposed to the participants to prompt lessons and reflections on how to “build forward better” by using evaluation evidence and with adaptive and responsive evaluation practice. with people-centered and adaptive evaluations
What does it mean assessing advisory performances? Which assessment criteria should be used as they are meaningful for advisors? Which evidence from monitoring and evaluation count for advisors for a better assessment of their performances?


Nombre Título Biografía
Simona Cristiano Researcher Simona Cristiano has 20 years of experience on policy analysis, design and evaluation of national and European Policies, with a focus on the Agricultural Policy. Her fields of expertise include: Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS); Farm Advisory Services, agricultural supply chains


Oficiales de gobierno Sector Privado Hacedores de política pública Practicantes Estudiantes Educación Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición Sistemas Nacionales de M&E

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