Facilitation Matters: Techniques for Evaluators

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At times, evaluation can be overwhelming. What data should we collect? (Program leaders might ask themselves). Now that we have data, what do we do with it? (Another might ask). Embedding time for reflection and conversation is key to forging the link between doing an evaluation and using an evaluation.

In this session, Rachel Scott and Olivia Melvin from the Center for Research Evaluation at the University of Mississippi will share a set of facilitation protocols designed to help social programs collect data, interpret data, and contemplate how to use data to make positive change.


Nombre Título Biografía
Rachel Scott Evaluation Associate Rachel Scott is an Evaluation Associate at the Center for Research Evaluation (CERE) at the University of Mississippi. Rachel's expertise lies in evaluation facilitation and designing integrative experiences that facilitate learning and reflection.
Olivia Melvin Evaluation Associate Olivia Melvin is an Evaluation Associate at CERE. Olivia’s specialties lie in using empowerment evaluation strategies to build evaluation capacity and support data use. She strives to blend regional, national, and international monitoring and evaluation practices in ways that are most responsive to cultural and contextual community needs.


Evaluadores Comisionados de Evaluación Usuarios de evaluación Evaluación participativa/ comunitaria/colaborativa

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