Policy Evaluation in the Times of Artificial Intelligence

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The panel aims to explore the present and future of policy evaluations, particularly those conducted by multilateral organizations, given recent advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence. On behalf of OVE, Jorge Gallego will give a presentation on machine learning for policy evaluation, with an emphasis on causal machine learning. Fernando Barbosa will showcase applications for text analytics and AI assistants for project classifications.

A representative from UNDP's Independent Evaluation Office will be invited to talk about AIDA (Artificial Intelligence for Development Analytics), the AI platform implemented by that office. Finally, we would like to include a speaker from the tech industry, outside multilateral organizations, to discuss Large Language Models (e.g., GPT-4) and their potential applications in evaluation.

Besides familiarizing the public with the most recent advances in artificial intelligence and how they can apply it to their evaluations, the event aims to discuss the limitations of these tools and the legal and ethical dilemmas involved in their use in our field.


Nombre Título Biografía
Fernando Barbosa Evaluation Senior Associate, OVE - IDB Fernando Barbosa, Evaluation Senior Associate, Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Gonzalo Gómez Chief of section, Knowledge and Data Management, UNDP Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) and Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, with more than 25 years of extensive experience in UNDP serving in different capacities, starting at country level in Bolivia Country Office, then supporting Atlas through RBM and project management at regional level, later as Programme Specialist for UNDP’s Regional Audit Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean. Currently leading the Knowledge and Data Management unit of UNDP’s IEO covering Artificial Intelligence projects and Data management.
María Isabel Mejía Senior Executive, Digital Transformation, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America Systems and Computing Engineer from Universidad de los Andes, with a specialization in Strategic Information Management. She is a visionary leader in the formulation and implementation of ICT public policies, with more than 35 years of experience in managing both public and private organizations, as well as high-impact programs and projects for society. She is currently a Senior Executive in Digital Government in the Directorate of Digital Innovation of the State of the Development Bank of Latin America - CAF - from where she promoted the digital transformation of the State in the countries of Ibero-America.


Nombre Título Biografía
Jorge Gallego Economics Senior Specialist, OVE - IDB Jorge Gallego, Economics Senior Specialist, Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)


Evaluadores Responsables de la toma de decisiones Funcionario / Empleado de Organización Internacional Cooperación internacional M&E para audiencias no tradicionales Política pública

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