Limited use of evaluative evidence in public policy, planning and Voluntary National Review (VNR) development

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The objective of the panel is to share findings of a discussion paper on the use of SDG evaluation evidence when measuring and reporting progress made by African (and Latin American) countries vis-à-vis achieving the 17 SDGs. The underlying study was commissioned by an SDG Evaluation Working Group composed of the Centre(s) for Learning on Evaluation and Results-Anglophone Africa (CLEAR-AA), Latin America and the Caribbean (CLEAR-LAC), and the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval). The sampled countries from Anglophone Africa considered in this study are Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, and Uganda. The panel also seeks to share the recommendations for improving the contribution of evaluations in the VNR development process, as per a policy brief emanating from the study.


Nombre Título Biografía
Mr. Dirk Hoffmann Evaluator at German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) Dirk Hoffmann is part of DEval´s ECD Team and focuses on implementing the Focelac+ project on evaluation capacity development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Before joining DEval, he worked numerous years in development cooperation including as a consultant, advisor, CIM expert, and GIZ staff. He obtained his first degree in Latin American Studies from the Free University of Berlin and his master’s degree in Environmental Science from the Humboldt University of Berlin. His expertise encompasses climate change and SDGs, protected area management and international climate policy.
Dr. Ayabulela Dlakavu Programme Manager: Twende Mbele Ayabulela Dlakavu is the Programme Manager of Twende Mbele, a multilateral peer-learning initiative between South Africa, Benin, Uganda, Kenya, Niger and Ghana. He is also an academic and analyst of public policy; foreign policy; international organisation; global and regional peace and security; political economy; and international development. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science; a Master’s degree in Political Science; a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in International Relations (cum laude); and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (cum laude), all from the University of Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa. He also holds a certificate in Chinese Politics and Diplomacy, BRICS Cooperation and Global Governance from Fudan University in the People’s Republic of China (PRC).


Nombre Título Biografía
Dr. Candice Morkel Director CLEAR-AA To be supplied


Evaluadores Comisionados de Evaluación Usuarios de evaluación Evaluación y cambio transformacional: Equilibrando ambición y realismo M&E para audiencias no tradicionales

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