Result Based Management and Evaluation Planning

Mesa redonda | Híbrido

Sobre el evento

The workshop aims to discuss two different topics targeting two particular goals:

1. Holistic integration of M&E into the project cycle, Results Based Management, use of M&E results in management decisions – aims to discover different cases, approaches, practices regarding the use of M&E results during the project management and decision-making process. The panel members (M&E managers) will be invited to share their experience (challenges and/or successful cases) and opinion in this regard. This will be followed up with reflections from the wider group of attendees and summarized with particular findings and recommendations from the discussion.

2. Planning of evaluation (ToR), expectations and needs vs results – targets to discover the common challenges when planning the evaluation during the project design stage as well as during the announcement of the request for proposals and elaborating the Terms of Reference. The panel members (to be different from the first panel composition) will be invited to share their perspectives on evaluation planning challenges, including their needs and expectations from the evaluation vs actual results they have gained. The role of the M&E plan and evaluation ToR in this process and clarity of communication with evaluation service provider. Different perspectives from M&E specialists and evaluators, to be followed up with reflections from the wider group of attendees and summarized with particular findings and recommendations from the discussion.


Taller | Híbrido
2 de junio, 2023 10:00 AM - 13:00 PM
Holistic integration of M&E into the project cycle, Results Based Management, use of M&E results in management decisions – aims to discover different cases, approaches, practices regarding the use of M&E results during the project management and decision-making process. The panel members (M&E managers) will be invited to share their experience (challenges and/or successful cases) and opinion in this regard. This will be followed up with reflections from the wider group of attendees and summarized with particular findings and recommendations from the discussion.
129 Sh. Nutsubidze str. Tbilisi, Georgia


Nombre Título Biografía
Mr. Geiorgi Shubitidze Co-founder of DEPA Consulting Mr. Giorgi Shubitidze has more than ten years of experience in qualitative and quantitative researches, projects and programs evaluation. His relevant track records regarding the proposed assignment includes: End line assessment of the rural development project “The Promoting Citizen Engagement for Economic Development Project (PROCEED)” in Dedoplistskaro municipality. Baseline study of Environmental, Gender and Social Impact Assessment (EGSIA), Risk Management and Sustainability Plan (RMSP) of the Project “Organic Agriculture and Rural Tourism Development in Mtskheta-Mtianeti region”, Mid-term evaluation of the DANEP funded project “Fight against discrimination, hate crimes and hate speech in Georgia” implemented by Council of Europe, country gender assessment of rural women in Georgia, prepared by FAO Georgia (2017), Giorgi contributed developing of methodology and drafting the final report. Giorgi has conducted the midterm evaluation of the action plan “Women on Peace and Security - National Action Plan of Georgia (2012-2015) for implementation of UN SC resolutions 1325, 1820 & 1889” implemented by Gender parliamentary council of Georgia and supported by UN Women Georgia. Final evaluation of the project “Georgian Forest Reform Support Programme” implemented by GIZ. Besides, Giorgi Has contributed development of Rural Development strategy of Georgia 2017-2020, and has knowledge in rural and regional development processes in Georgia. In addition, within above mentioned projects Giorgi prepared evaluation designs, conducted desk researches, administrated large scale quantitative sociological researches and developed final reports. During his professional work Giorgi has conducted around 700 focus group discussions, around 500 Key informant interviews, trained interviewers, and managed diverse social researches. Besides, in 2011-2012 at Heinrich Boell Foundation Giorgi was coordinator of the project funded by EU “Addressing hate speech in Georgia”. Hence, he has broad experience on the problems of discrimination and hate speech in Georgia. Giorgi teaches Sociology and Contemporary Social Theories at the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs and Tbilisi State University


Nombre Título Biografía
Mrs. Rusudan Kardava Co-founder of DEPA Consulting

Mesa redonda | Híbrido
, 2023 11:30 AM - 13:00 PM
Planning of evaluation (ToR), expectations and needs vs results – targets to discover the common challenges when planning the evaluation during the project design stage as well as during the announcement of the request for proposals and elaborating the Terms of Reference. The panel members (to be different from the first panel composition) will be invited to share their perspectives on evaluation planning challenges, including their needs and expectations from the evaluation vs actual results they have gained. The role of the M&E plan and evaluation ToR in this process and clarity of communication with evaluation service provider. Different perspectives from M&E specialists and evaluators, to be followed up with reflections from the wider group of attendees and summarized with particular findings and recommendations from the discussion.
129 Sh. Nutsubidze str. Tbilisi, Georgia


Nombre Título Biografía
Mrs. Rusudan Kardava Co-Founder of DEPA Consulting Mrs. Rusudan Kardava holds Advanced Master degree in Development Evaluation and Management (University of Antwerp, Belgium), MA in Conflict Management and Analysis (Tbilisi State University), BA in Sociology and BA in Law. Rusudan has up to 20 years of experience in development projects with over 14 years of work experience in the field of planning, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), capacity assessment and capacity building. Since 2006 she has worked as a M&E Manager and M&E Consultant for number of state, non-governmental and international organizations, including UN FAO, UNDP, USAID, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA), Georgia Monitoring Project funded by US Department of State, Millennium Challenge Georgia (MCG) Program Impact Evaluation projects, Statistics Office of Georgia, etc. In this capacity she has designed the project action plans, Monitoring and Evaluation systems, developed project impact and performance measurement indicators, coordinated project impact evaluation surveys, prepared recommendations for the project management, elaborated M&E data collection and reporting software. In her capacity of National Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant at MEPA she has worked on setting up the monitoring system for the MEPA Agticulture Strategy and Action Plan by consulting with all departments and LEPLs of MEPA. Currently Mrs. Kardava is Executive Director of DEPA Consulting, which is mainly focusing on strategic planning, program/project evaluations, performance monitoring, needs assessment, sector assessment, social studies/surveys, and related capacity building, trainings and consultancy services in the listed directions. In addition, Mrs. Kardava has more than 8 years of experience in conducting trainings and capacity building activities for organizations and individuals (including the trainings in project/program planning, project management and monitoring and evaluation).


Nombre Título Biografía
Mr. Geiorgi Shubitidze Co-Founder of DEPA Consulting


Evaluadores Comisionados de Evaluación Funcionario / Empleado de Organización Internacional Redes de evaluación Cooperación internacional

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