Transforming Development One Evaluation At A Time: The AGDEN Approach

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The Africa Gender and Development Evaluators Network (AGDEN) has been working on human rights and gender responsive evaluation since it was established in 2002. From 2002 until 2004 the network was growing and strengthening its members with the relevant skills and capabilities for the specialised engagement. The first meetings and discussions on the subject were offered by the Network at the 3rd AfrEA conference held in Cape Town in 2004. Between 2005 and 2008, working both as individual members of the UN Women’s Expert Group on the Paris Declaration (PD), AGDEN developed gender responsive indicators for all the PD indicators as well as a gender equality accountability framework for development action. AGDEN has also offered trainings and coaching on gender responsive evaluations at annual evaluation weeks and conferences such as AfrEA, EES and AEA.
With its growing membership (multi-lingual), the network has been engaged in advocacy and has used evidence and comparative advantage and niche to operate more effectively for the benefit of the profession on the continent. In addition, it has focused in researching and developing an approach which uses a human rights framework embedded within African culture and feminist philosophy.
Beyond achievements and milestones through its diverse membership, the AGDEN’s journey has been strewn with some challenges that have contributed to strengthening the network allowing it to cultivate a sense of community, opportunities for information sharing and development of expertise among evaluation stakeholders. This session will discuss experiences in networking in development evaluation with the aim of shedding light on the role of networks in strengthening evaluation capacities, advancing knowledge and supporting collaboration. The panel brings together representatives from AGDEN who have been part of the journey and will highlight the following: what have been the effects and impact of the network on professionalization, and what influence has AGDEN had on public policies of their constituencies? What have been the challenges experienced and what may be the opportunities looking ahead? Are there lessons from the network that could be useful to the growing number of networks and associations in developing countries? What was the role of members in setting up a joint platform for collaboration on gender responsive evaluation with partners?
Collectively, the four panellists bring with them a rich and varied expertise in evaluation practice with AGDEN, and will then share insights on structural factors that influence the development of the network and concrete examples related to experiences from different countries followed by an interactive discussion.


Nombre Título Biografía
Dr Florence Dr Dr. Florence Etta is the a.i Chairperson of AGDEN Board. She has a Ph.D. Psychology of Learning; MED Sociology & Psychology of Education; BSc Biology & Education. She has conducted research and evaluation of national and international programs and projects in the social sector and ICT4D. She is a recognized African M&E thought and practice leader in gender and human rights responsive evaluation. She has contributed to the development of tools, techniques, and an approach to practice and a dynamic global network.
Ousseni Kinda Mr Ousseni Kinda, is the vice chair of the new AGDEN board. He is an evaluator and planner focusing on programme quality with hands on increasingly responsible professional experience in the field designing, strengthening, and managing evaluation systems that promote accountability and learning and generate quality data and findings for evidence-based planning and management of programmes related to child protection, food security, health and nutrition, Wash, Shelter, Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance, and Education. He has worked with multiple partners in West and Central Africa to implement and evaluate children and adolescent programmes. He has conducted youth led evaluations in countries such as Senegal, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Ghana collaborating with institutions such as UNICEF, government bodies and Universities.
Bintou Nimaga Ms Bintou Nimaga is the fomer Chairperson of AGDEN Board. She has more than twenty years of experiences in the sector of the rural development and the Gender. During her professional career, she held different positions pertaining to the gender equality in public and Civil Society Organizations (OSC). She organized and facilitated several training for executives and development professionals on Gender approach. She conducted different short-term and long term consultancies in Africa and abroad with organisations with national and international NGOs.
Grace Okonji Ms Ms. Okonji is founding member of the AGDEN. She has a Master of Arts in Economics and over 20 years of substantive knowledge and experience related to economic policy development, policy dialogue with governments, institutional development, partnership building with civil society and donor community, inter-agency coordination, programme analysis, design, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and development from a gender and human rights perspective. Ms. Okonji has had a long service with United Nations both as a staff member and evaluator of various programmes including United Nations corporate programmes and UN development Assistance Framework. Ms. Okonji currently works as Senior evaluator from a gender and inclusion perspective.


Nombre Título Biografía
Alexis Loye Dr Alexis Loye (PhD) is a member of AGDEN. He is highly proficient in research, measurement and evaluation in education, monitoring and impact evaluation, econometrics, equity-focused and gender responsive evaluation, value chain supply and resilience analysis. He has advanced and strong analytical skills and capacity building experience in statistics and programming skills in statistical softwares including Stata, SPSS, R. He has conducted several evaluations for the World Bank, the African Development Bank, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation among others. For this assignment, he will with his experience on evaluation design, survey design and implementation and systems change with a focus on digitalization.


Evaluadores Comisionados de Evaluación VOPEs / Redes de evaluación Evaluación sensible al género

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