Reflections on how context, culture and collaboration influences the design and implementation of MEAL programs in the Caribbean region

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The Caribbean region is characterized by diversity in geography, political context, culture and human resource capacities. Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) activities must take account of these factors if Policy, programme and project implementation and evaluation are to be appropriate and relevant to unique development contexts.
A number of evaluation practitioners are facing this challenge from varied perspectives, and this session will highlight how some of them have managed to tailor their MEAL approaches to fit the specific needs of the countries and local communities in which they work
The session will explore the challenges and opportunities involved in addressing context, culture and collaboration in the design and implementation of regional MEAL interventions, and identify any best practices and/ or lessons learned that may have been developed in the process.


Nombre Título Biografía
Marsha Watson-Hylton Senior MEAL manager, RESEMBID project Marsha is a results-oriented Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist and qualified Programme Evaluator with more than 10 years’ in the field of M&E, as part of a 20-year career in development and public service. She is currently Senior MEAL and Reporting Specialist, with the RESEMBID Project in St Maarten
Evan Green VP of Monitoring and Evaluation and Results-based Management and Disaster Risk Management, Baastel Evan, VP of Monitoring and Evaluation and Results-based Management and Disaster Risk Management, Baastel, is an experienced M&E and RBM Specialist who works with governments, development banks, regional agencies and international organizations in strategic planning, capacity development, RBM and M&E.
Kristina Mena Womens' Voices in Leadership (WVL-Caribbean) Kristina is MEL Specialist with the Women’s Voices in Leadership (WVL-Caribbean) project. She has been involved in project management, research, and administration in HIV/AIDS, Gender, and Health & Development. Her specialties are quantitative & qualitative Research; Biostatistics, Project Management, and Monitoring & Evaluation.
Tessa King Spooner Bixal - USAID Tessa is the MEL specialist for the USAID/ Eastern and Southern Caribbean (ESC) Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Services Activity (MELSA), implemented by Bixal. In this role, she supports the delivery of timely and high-quality MEL and Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) services required by USAID


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Evaluadores Comisionados de Evaluación Usuarios de evaluación Evaluación y cambio transformacional: Equilibrando ambición y realismo

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