"A road to improve the use of the Evaluation Standards for achieving Quality: a discussion beyond regions"

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The objective of the panel is to discuss from different experiences from different regions (LAC, EU, and Africa) what could be a route to improve the use of standards in the evaluation process.


Nombre Título Biografía
Andrea Peroni Fiscarelli . Andrea Peroni Fiscarelli studied History and Sociology before gaining her PhD in American Studies with a specialization in Social and Political Studies. She has worked as an academic in the Sociology department at the University of Chile for more than 15 years and as a national and international consultant in social policies, planning, monitoring and evaluation. She co-founded the Chilean Evaluation Network (EvalChile), coordinates the Interdisciplinary Nucleus of Evaluative Research focused on Public Decision-Making, at the University of Chile. She has also served as vice-President and Treasurer for the Executive Committee of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization (ReLAC).
Ana Luisa Guzman . Magister Ana Luisa Guzmán Hernández Costa Rica ⮚ Directora del Centro Costarricense de Logoterapia Viktor Frankl. ⮚ Licda. en Educación con énfasis en Orientación ⮚ Docente e investigadora de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Facultad de Educación, Posgrado de Evaluación de Políticas, programas y proyectos de Desarrollo. ⮚ Coordinadora General de la Red Latinoamericana de Seguimiento, Sistematización y Evaluación para América Latina y el Caribe (ReLAC), Período 2015-2018. ⮚ Especialista en áreas de la evaluación, educación superior, género, niñez, adolescencia, género, logoterapia, derechos humanos. ⮚ Autora de publicaciones en los temas de Educación Superior, Duelo en niñas, niños y adolescentes, atención y prevención de la violencia de género desde la Logoterapia, Estándares de Evaluación para América Latina y el Caribe ⮚ Consultora adjunta del Centro de Investigación y Capacitación en Administración Pública, CICAP, Universidad de Costa Rica. ⮚ Integrante de la plataforma nacional de evaluación del proyecto de fomento de capacidades en evaluación para Costa Rica. ⮚ Integrante de la Sociedad Internacional de Mujeres Profesionales y de la Red Latinoamericana de Mujeres ⮚ Integrante del Parlamento Mundial de Educación con sede en Argentina.
Laura Kunert . Laura Kunert began working as an evaluator at DEval (German Institute for Development Evaluation) in 2019 and currently works on the “Evaluation Synthesis on the Promotion of Circular Economy in German Development Cooperation Projects” and previously on a meta-evaluation that examined the quality of evaluations. Prior to this, she completed the master’s program “Development Studies” and gained practical experience in both the field of development cooperation and research, e.g. at the German Agency for International Cooperation in Jordan and at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability.
Kerstin Guffler . Kerstin Guffler joined DEval (German Institute for Development Evaluation) in 2016 and currently works as team leader on the “Evaluation Synthesis on the Promotion of Circular Economy in German Development Cooperation Projects”. Before she led the “Meta-evaluation of the Quality of Project Evaluations in German Development Cooperation” analysing the application of quality standards in 296 evaluations from eleven governmental and nongovernmental organisations. She also led the evaluative study “Development Cooperation from a Partner Perspective” in cooperation with AidData. As a psychologist by training, she wrote her doctoral thesis about the topic „Contact Interventions in Intractable Conflicts: Long-Term Attitude and Behavior Intention Changes in Israel”.
Isaac Kiwango Mr Isaac Kiwango is a management consultant with over fifteen years of professional experience, much of which has been in consultancy and research activities. Isaac graduated from the University of Dar es Salaam in Accounting and Management in 1988 and later on went (1991) to complete a postgraduate education in Stirling, Scotland where he obtained an MSc in Accounting and Finance. His key skills are in organizational development, capacity building, institutional development, and executive development in the areas of leadership and organizational development, accounting and financial management, performance management, Information systems development, and monitoring and evaluation. Isaac started his professional career in 1997 as a Research and Consultancy Manager with the National Board of Accountants and Auditors. He later joined Deloitte Consulting in 1989 as a Senior Consultant. His career was punctuated at Deloitte in 2002 when he joined Andersen Consulting (DCDM Mauritius) before forming his own practice in 2004. For over 25 years, Isaac as a consultant has worked with clients in various sectors to address their institutional organizational development needs. Isaac has an all-rounded corporate experience and at different times, this has included supporting new investors in establishing their businesses in Tanzania, helping clients set up coaching schemes for their senior executives, formulating strategic human resource systems, tax-efficient corporate structures, compensation, and benefits systems, advising clients in various roles on sound financial and accounting control matters.


Nombre Título Biografía
Alfredo Dominguez IOCE President Alfredo Domínguez is a Mexican evaluator, dedicated to the development of evaluation skills in evaluators in young and emerging evaluators, as well as senior evaluators, a tireless promoter of the culture of evaluation. As a consultant and evaluator, he has participated in projects of a subnational, national, and international nature, carrying out functions of coordination, analysis, and management of technological tools, as well as facilitating work groups and interviews. He is currently Vice-coordinator of the Network for Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization of Latin America and the Caribbean (ReLAC) and Treasurer of the National Academy of Evaluators of Mexico (Aceval), he was also coordinator of the Evalyouth Mexico chapter in 2019 and 2020. More recently, he is part of the IOCE VOPE Leadership Boot Camp team and is in charge of producing the ReLAC evaluation culture podcast.


Evaluadores Usuarios de evaluación VOPEs / Redes de evaluación Redes de evaluación Cooperación internacional

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