Putting the horse before the cart – How evaluations can make transformational change inclusive and equitable: Lessons from Country Contexts

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With the deadline for achieving SDGs just 6 years away, policy makers are increasingly realising the need to adopt transformational changes to solve a host of interconnected issues. Inclusion and equity are at the centre of public initiatives and evaluators are dutybound to provide policy makers insights on efficacy of program design in delivering results while focusing on inclusion and equity. The panel discussion draws from experiences of middle- and lower-income countries to delve deeper into the subjects of inclusion and equity in the thematic sector of food security and nutrition.


Nombre Título Biografía
Ms. Elisabeth Faure Representative and Country Director, World Food Programme, India Elisabeth has worked 18+ years in development and humanitarian work across Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Currently the Country Director of WFP India, she previously led WFP's London Office and has held key roles in Bolivia, Guinea, and the UN HQ. Has Co-founded the Humanitarian Women’s Network.
Mr. Alok Mishra Joint Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India Mr. Alok Mishra is a seasoned development professional and Civil Servant with 25 years of experience in public policy, implementation, and academia. He works on developing capacity programs for senior civil servants. He has worked at DMEO, the monitoring and evaluation office of Government of India.
Dr. Sepalika Sudasinghe Director General, National Science Foundation, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka Currently the DG National Science Foundation and Senior Consultant to the Civil service college Sri Lanka (SLIDA). She holds a PhD in development administration specializing in policy management and has served as chairman of several policy drafting committees including food security policy (draft).
Dr. Sanjeev Sridharan Professor of Health Policy Evaluation, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Dr. Sanjeev is currently the Professor of Health Policy Evaluation at the University of Hawaiʻi. He was previously the Country Lead, Learning Systems and Systems Evaluation at BMGF India country office. He has worked on complex evaluations and is on the board of prestigious evaluation journals.
Ms. Kgaugelo Moshia-Molebatsi Senior Evaluation Specialist, Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Republic of South Africa Ms. Kgaugelo is a Senior Evaluation Specialist in the Dept. of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) of South Africa with over 19 years experience in coordination and management of research and evaluation & in research and evaluation projects focusing on Reproductive Health, Youth and Gender.
Mr. Paramjyoti Chattopadhyay Unit Head, RAM & Evaluations, India CO, WFP Param has more than 18 years of experience in the development sector, having worked extensively in evidence-based policy advisory. He works to strengthen capacities of national and state level officials for planning, generating, and utilizing evidence on food security and nutrition to achieve SDG 2.


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Mr. Stuart Coupe Evaluation Consultant, Regional Evaluation Unit, WFP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok (RBB) Dr. Stuart Coupe has been an Evaluation Consultant at the Regional Evaluation Unit at WFP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok (RBB) since 2020. The Unit provides a regional technical and quality assurance support service on planning and execution of evaluations. This includes capacity development for M&E officers on innovative methods and approaches for evaluations and evaluation planning across countries like: India, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Philippines, Nepal, Tajikistan, Indonesia. Prior to this Stuart alternated between roles with UK NGOs and working as an independent evaluation consultant.


Evaluadores Comisionados de Evaluación Usuarios de evaluación Responsables de la toma de decisiones Evaluación y cambio transformacional: Equilibrando ambición y realismo

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