Grassroot voices at the core : Evaluation and monitoring through ownership of community in Right to Pee campaign


Sobre el evento

This proposal presents CORO’s plan to facilitate and organise an event during the Glocal Evaluation Week 2020. CORO plans to organise an event to disseminate a strategy adopted by CORO in all the programs where ‘ownership of the M&E is taken over by the people in the communities’. In this dissemination, we will share our experience of the Right to Pee campaign wherein the ‘community has taken ownership of the M&E process’, which in turn has resulted in a much deeper and sustainable impact on ensuring that the people across genders in the marginalised communities have access to free, clean, safe public/ community toilets in Mumbai.
More specifically, in the gLOCAL event, the dissemination will be undertaken by all the stakeholders of this program – namely people from the communities, municipal authorities, architects & urban planners and organisations which work on the ground around the issues of gender and sanitation.


Nombre Título Biografía
Sujata Khandekar Founding Director of CORO , board of trustees Sujata is founding director of CORO .she was formerly an assistant engineer in maharashtra state electricity board ,When she was deputed for adult literacy related work initiated by the government of maharashtra and CORO . Currently preparing to submit her Ph.D, " on Meanings of women empowerment.
Vijayashree Pednekar Urban Planner & cofounder of THE URBAN PROJECT (TUP) Vijayshree Pednekar, Urban Planner & cofounder of THE URBAN PROJECT (TUP), it is a practise that engages in various urban development issues like sanitation, mobility and public spaces.
Dr. Sangita Hasnale Assistant commissioner - planning with additional charge as CITY PROJECT OFFICER of Mumbai city and suburb Dr sangita hasnale MBBS ,MD obstetrics and gynecology Practice for 20 years in mcgm maternity home. She is the 1st women Assistant commissioner in Mumbai. with additional charge as CITY PROJECT OFFICER and also charge as assessor and Collector . 1st woman assesor and Collector
Anand Ghodke. WASH OFFICER WITH UNICEF He has spent more than two decades in the development sector .At the moment, Anand is working as a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Officer with UNICEF, Maharashtra Office with focus on Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene in Urban and Rural areas.He had worked across seven States in the country
Supriya Jan Activist / Programme Manager Supriya has been working with CORO for last 11 years in variety of capacities. She has done her bachelor’s in political science and law and masters in women’s studies. She is one of the lead campaigners for Right to Pee campaign. She has participated in Habitat III (United Nations International conf


Académicos Oficiales de gobierno Organizaciones sin fines de lucro Hacedores de política pública Practicantes

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