Alternative Methodologies in Developmental Evaluation

Panel Discussion | Online

About the Event

Developmental evaluation (DE) is a dynamic approach which recognizes the importance of integrating evaluative learning from ongoing evidence to measure impact, and suggest course correction in complex, evolving environments. Unlike traditional evaluation methods which focus on predetermined outcomes, alternative evaluation methods perceive communities as active participants and allow for incorporation of insights, experiences, and values to shape the trajectory of development initiatives. This approach requires a deep commitment to inclusivity, reflexivity, and engagement with diverse stakeholders to ensure that evaluations capture the nuanced experiences and perspectives of all participants.
The panel will highlight several community-led and community based methods namely, Outcome Mapping+ (OM+) and Social Network Analysis (SNA). These alternate methods enrich the evaluation process and contribute to more meaningful and sustainable outcomes. Participatory methods like Outcome Mapping+ embraces participatory approaches to monitoring and evaluation encouraging ownership of the process and its outcomes. Social Network Analysis (SNA), too, offers a powerful lens to understand the dynamics of relationships, interactions, and flows of information within a community or organization. While traditional developmental evaluation methods being unidimensional in focus, emphasize primarily on outcomes and processes within a program or initiative, incorporating participatory and alternative methods like Outcome Mapping+ and SNA provide alternative methodologies calling for stakeholder engagement at multiple levels, focuses on process and relationships, and ensures continuous learning and adaptation. The panel will, through examples and case studies, elaborate on how to practically use Outcome mapping+ and Social Network Analysis. Another community-led and community-based method that the panel will delve into is on aspects of measuring collectivisation. As more grantmakers support collectives, there is a growing need to understand the interface between collectives and grantmakers. As more stakeholders turn to collectives to steer social change, there is a risk that this platform is treated as a ‘silver bullet’ without a thorough understanding of the ups and downs and power contestations inherent in collectives. Panelists will present an in-depth exploration of challenges in evolving a self-diagnostic tool for collectives. We explore சிந்தனை (Sindhanai, meaning critical reflection) as a contemplative pedagogy to understand collectivisation; and the need to measure the presence of critical reflection as a core attribute for collectivisation. The goal of this learning is to bring a comprehensive understanding of collectivisation so as to help collectives as well as those who facilitate these collectivisation processes.


Name Title Biography
Pradeep Narayanan Director- Research & Capacity Building, PRAXIS A participatory development practitioner, Pradeep has more than 25 years of expertise in facilitating community-led monitoring of programmes & projects with communities facing marginalisation. He is currently the Honorary Fellow at Durham University & member of the International Advisory Board of Community Development Journal. He is also a member of the Core Committee on Business and Human Rights of the National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi.
Sonal Zaveri Founder and Regional Coordinator, GENSA - Gender and Equity Network South Asia With over 30 years’ experience in strategic planning, program design, capacity building, mentoring, and evaluation, a Ph.D. in Social Work and Fleishman Fellow at Duke University, USA, Sonal holds several regional and global leadership positions being Co-chair Evalgender+, Founder member, COE-SA & a board member of IEAc (International Evaluation Academy). She is based in India but has worked in over twenty countries - in East & West Africa, Asia-Pacific, South, South-east and Central Asia, Middle East and Eastern Europe - bringing almost three decades of cross-cultural experience. Sonal’s interests relate to how rights, participation, transformation, and gender are addressed through collaborative, culturally responsive, and learning-oriented evaluation approaches, and methodologies.
Shweta Anand Social Network Analysis & MEL Expert A development communication professional with an edge in Participatory Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation & Social Network Analysis (SNA), Shweta has over 10 years of experience of working in the research & evaluation industry. A core member of GENSA since its inception, she is currently involved as an Evaluation Analyst with CGIAR (Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research Centers), & is a Board member of Community of Evaluators – South Asia (COE-SA). She is skilled in Nonprofit Organizations, Research Design, Program Monitoring & Evaluation, Designing IEC material, Radio4Development and Data Analysis.
Shyam Singh Professor and Dean (Academic Affairs) IRMA A Professor in Social Sciences at IRMA, Dr. Singh holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore. He was the Scholar-in-Residence at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, in 2018 & has been engaged in various evaluation and research assignments with UNICEF, the World Bank, NABARD, and state and central governments. He is currently an advisor to the JSLPS, Rural Development Department, Government of Jharkhand & is the Editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Evaluation, Co-Chair of Consortium of Institutions on M&E Education in Asia Pacific. He is also a theme leader for the theme -Building Partnership- under the Regional Evaluation Strategy, Asia Pacific Evaluation Association.


Name Title Biography
Neha Dhingra Senior Program Manager, Centre for Research in Schemes and Policies Specialised in Gender mainstreaming, Monitoring and Evaluation, Women's economic empowerment, non-profit program design and leadership, Neha has a decade of experience working on several development projects related to livelihoods and community development work around women’s issues such as leadership development, addressing violence, sexual and reproductive health rights, and paid/ unpaid work. She has managed projects to successful outcomes, by conceptualising strategy and rollout plans, monitoring and evaluation of projects, devising advocacy strategy, assessing and ensuring capacity building and stakeholder engagement. She has done M.A in Social work & M.Phil in Women’s Studies.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation Comissioners Evaluation users VOPEs / Evaluation networks Academics Students Culturally Responsive Evaluation Evaluation Networks Gender Responsive Evaluation Participatory/ Community based/ Collaborative Evaluation

Event Details
