Building Capacity of Young Evaluators in Gender and Equity: Lessons from the Global South


About the Event

This event is designed by young evaluators from South Asia who will discuss how a gender network - GENSA (Gender and Equity Network South Asia) along with Youth networks in the region have innovatively addressed the special needs of young evaluators for both gender and evaluation-related capacities. The speakers will present evidence from its membership regarding the current professional background of South Asian evaluators and their sources of capacity building and the gaps and challenges they face. Each speaker will then present the challenges from three countries, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and India, and how demand and supply capacity building needs are challenged by the changing demands from both traditional development and academic sectors but also emerging demands from corporates. The participants will learn about the unique challenges from the Global South and innovative strategies by the networks to address these gaps to ensure the Global South voice is being heard in the global evaluation discourse. The examples will illustrate how resource frugal approaches can enhance capacity building in the Global South and ensure it is by, for, and with Global South expertise.


Name Title Biography
Mr. Randika Lawson De Mel Co-Leader Mr. De Mel, Focal Point Young Emerging Evaluators (YEE) Sri Lanka Evaluation Association, Co-Leader EvalYouth Sri Lanka and Asia; worked in Africa, Asia and Americas. Research interests are rural livelihoods, gender, agriculture, public health, and education; works with public sector, NGOs, academia
Dr. Shweta Anand Youth Core Group Member Dr. Anand is Assistant Professor, Dept of Development Communication & Extension, University of Delhi; research interests are gender, participatory communication and evaluation of C4D programs; work experience with USAID, Tibet Fund, UNFPA, National Health Systems Resource Center and Ministry of HFW
Neha Dhigra Youth Core Group Member Neha Dhingra leads Education and Livelihood at United Way of Hyderabad India (corporate) with expertise in design of scalable programs. unpaid care work, and education. Work experience: gendering education, adolescent use of technology, and program evaluations with CSR, grassroots women’s groups
Bijita Devsharma Youth Core Group Member Bijita Devsharma, consultant; research interests are gender, child rights and education: worked with Save the Children, Oxfam India, UNICEF, Room to Read, Aga Khan Foundation, Plan International and as Senior Consultant for Centre for Gender Studies, National Institute of Rural Development
Ifrah Hassan Youth Member Ifrah Hassan, EvalYouth Pakistan, has experience with M&E, human rights advocacy for Justice Project Pakistan, and consultant for IFRC and ESSRG in Hungary. She has expertise in evaluating multi-stakeholder partnerships and with Policy Innovation Labs.

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators Other

Event Details
