Capitalizing evaluations of rural policies and programmes: use, utilization, and knowledge management

Panel Discussion

About the Event

During several programming cycles of the European Agricultural Policy, starting from 1988, important changes have taken place in relation to the vision and role of evaluation in policy making, reforming and implementation.
Since the programming period 2007-2013, evaluation during the programme has been introduced with the purpose of fostering on-going learning and accompanying improvements of programme design and implementation. A process evaluation that became less periodic and more systematic to be better tailored upon the needs for evaluative knowledge of policy makers and programme stakeholders. This evolution of evaluation purpose and practices certainly brought a major awareness and widespread culture of evaluation among programme managers.
The objective of this panel is to share experiences and views on approaches put in use to ensure an effective capitalization and sedimentation of evaluative knowledge over time for the purpose of improving programme design and implementation of public policy, by focusing on:
 Uses and utilization of programme evaluation,
 practices and methods for knowledge management of evaluation results.


Name Title Biography
Simona Cristiano Researcher, Evaluation specialist Policy analyst and designer; 19 years of experience on policy analysis, design and evaluation of national and European Policies, with a focus on the Agricultural Policy. Fields of expertise: AKIS; Farm Advisory Services, agricultural supply chains.
Fabrizio Felloni Deputy Director of the Independent Office of Evaluation Fabrizio develops operational policies and methodologies to enhance the independence and effectiveness of the independent evaluation function. He conducts corporate level evaluations. He ensures high-quality professional work by creating an enabling environment for and coaching of IOE staff.
Laura Tagle Evaluation Expert Laura has more than 20 years of experience in evaluation and institutionalization of evaluation. Her interests focus on evaluations done from the viewpoint of local communities pursuing their own change strategies. A founding member of the Laboratorio di Valutazione Democratica.
Silvia Martini Evaluation Expert Silvia Martini is a member of the Evaluation Unit of Emilia-Romagna Region since 2008 and coordinates it since 2017. The Unit is in charge of the implementation of the regional evaluation plan, including the follow up of the evaluation results and the use of the evidences for policy making. She was
Vincenzo Angrisani Evaluator Vincenzo has more than 10 years of experience as policy analyst and evaluator, in particular on local, regional and rural development both at national and European level. His main focus is specifically on the implementation of new methodological approaches for measuring effects of public policies. A

Topics and Themes

NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
