Community-led Monitoring and Evaluations: Five Questions, Five Answers, Five Mini-Sessions

5 back-to-back Pecha Kucha's in response to 5 questions

About the Event

In the international development sector, the data that assists in determining the meaningful progress of, impact of, and opportunities to improve our intervention(s) almost always come from people in the communities where we work. If our interventions aim to sustainably benefit those particular people, then who should determine what data to collect and how? Who should collect that data and how? Who should analyze and make sense of the data and how? This session will address these questions and explore the foundation of Community-Led Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, the future of M&E.


Name Title Biography
Gunjan Veda, MCLD Executive Director Gunjan is the Global Secretary and Executive Director (US) for the Movement for Community-Led Development. Her work includes creating collaborative and mutual partnerships, interrogating structural violence in existing systems, and forms of knowledge production and publication.
Sylvia Hernandez, Girls Not Brides Mexico Senior Officer, Membership and Engagement Sylvia has over 12 years of experience in the social sector, focusing on community development, human rights, strategic alliance, fundraising and volunteer strategies. She has led local advocacy efforts and built alliances across different government entities to promote community-led participation.
Ronald Kimanbo, Firelight Foundation Learning and Evaluation Officer Ronald works with partners to implement monitoring, evaluation, and learning frameworks across Firelight Foundation's strategic initiatives, enabling them to assess progress on organization-level, community-level, and family-level outcomes. Ronald is a MEL Specialist by training & practice.
Elene Cloete, Outreach International Senior Director, Research & Advocacy Elene has extensive experience in developing and exploring locally-led development programs. Such work includes working in rural and urban communities in the Majority World, supporting community-led development interventions, and conducting research on social behavior and localized development.
Chad McCordic, One Village Partners, Sierra Leone Country Director Chad manages OneVillage Partners’ work in Sierra Leone. He has 15 years of experience working with grassroots nonprofit organizations in developing countries, and Canada. Since joining OneVillage Partners in 2014, Chad has co-created innovative programming with measurable quality improvements.
Steve Ogutu MCLD-Kenya Executive Director and East Africa Coordinator Steven facilitates a range of activities with MCLD members, including project design, fundraising, policy influence, and partnership building. He is Co-lead for the School for Devolution and Community-Led Development (CLD), a joint initiative between MCLD and County Government of Makueni, Kenya.


Name Title Biography
Nelly Mecklenburg Senior Manager, Learning & Network Weaving

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Civil Society Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee Culturally Responsive Evaluation Participatory/ Community based/ Collaborative Evaluation

Event Details
