Data Science and Decision Making for Development


About the Event

Building Forward Together requires new capacities to produce and use new types of data in decision-making. Data is only as valuable is its use, to invest in data without accounting for its end use introduces risk that the investment in data will have sub-optimal returns and raise barriers to social outcomes. With varying levels of digital transformation within societies, new types of data are becoming available to guide decision-making within international development. This new data has created the demand for data science methods and processes to become increasingly used by policy makers, practitioners and other stakeholders in a wide variety of applications and decision-making processes. Towards meeting this need the Pulte Institute, along with an Advisory Board consisting of Donors, private providers, NGOs and thought leaders, facilitated research focusing on:

1.) What lessons from previous and current experience with “data driven decision-making” can help inform better practices for using data science products in Development?
2.) What lessons from the private sector can help inform better practices for using data science products in public sector Development?

This panel discussion will discuss the results of this research and next steps to Build Forward Together in additional research agendas and proofs of concept.


Name Title Biography
Michael Cooper Director Michael Cooper has worked with the U.S. State Department, USAID, Millennium Challenge Corporation and others in designing, measuring and learning about the effectiveness of development interventions with a focus on decision-making. His latest work focuses on emerging technologies
Paul Perrin Director Paul Perrin leads the Pulte Institute's Evidence and Learning Division and is an international health, humanitarian, and development research and practice professional with over a decade of work experience in academic, government, and non-governmental settings.

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners

Event Details
