Energy Evaluation Stories: Transforming the way we measure clean energy transitions

Roundtable | Online

About the Event

Purpose of the event: To share examples of projects that are raising ambition in our understanding of the wider impacts of clean energy projects. These projects have gone beyond measuring energy and carbon emissions savings, to explore the wider social, economic and environmental benefits and challenges these projects present for local households and communities.
• Who is your target audience for this event? Policy-makers, project-designers; evaluators and community leaders working in the energy, environmental and climate change fields. While stories will be primarily drawn from the Asia-Pacific region they will include both developing and developed country contexts, and the knowledge shared will be widely applicable globally.
• What will participants learn from attending this event? They will see concrete examples of recent projects and evaluation methodologies that are using new approaches in this cutting edge topic. They will hear real stories of the practical challenges and what has worked in the field in applying innovative social impact indicators and methodologies within different country contexts.
• What new learning/methodology/tool specifically are you presenting at this event, if any? Use of new indicators in new areas of energy impact, such as health, wellbeing, livelihoods, gender equality, time saving, income and income streams, job creation, energy security, energy sovereignty


Name Title Biography
Michael Williamson Chief of Energy Division, UNESCAP Will set the scene by providing an overview of how the Asia-Pacific region is progressing against the SGD7 on clean and affordable energy access for all, provide some insight into how this is being measured at the high level and the challenges for evaluating the progress on SDG7 targets
Divya Gaur M&E Program Lead, Powering Livlihoods, Council on Energy, Environment and Water, India Will share an innovative project conducted in India which evaluated renewable energy projects from the perspective of its contribution to supporting livelihoods with indicators related to affordability, productivity and gender equality, in relation to renewable energy projects at large medium and micro scale


Name Title Biography
Nina Campbell Consumers International I am Member of the Steering Committee of Energy Evaluation Asia Pacific (EEAP) and also the Global Energy Lead at Consumers International. I have most recently been working on evaluation approaches to alleviating energy poverty in New Zealand government and now take this learning to the global level, developing a community of evaluators of energy programs in Asia Pacific.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation users Decision makers VOPEs / Evaluation networks Academics Civil Society Youth Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee Climate Change Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism Evaluation Networks International Cooperation Poverty

Event Details
