Evaluation of agricultural policies in the era of big data: sharing experiences on data collection, management and processing innovative approaches

Panel Discussion

About the Event

The increasing availability of big data is opening up new frontiers in evaluation, especially in relation to the digitalisation of agriculture. Evaluators are increasingly using ready-to use, unstructured and micro data which support assessing the effects of programmes and policies at farm, farming systems and environment levels.
This could lead to more robust and meaningful evaluations.
Besides, it implies the renewal of approaches, methods and tools of data management and information systems and also the redefinition of the collaborative relationships of evaluators, with data scientists and social scientists, that ensure the high quality, efficient and adequate processing of data for evaluation purposes.
This panel session has the overall objective to reflect on innovative experiences in relation to data collection, management and processing for evaluations in the context of the agricultural polices.
The panel session will feature:
 sharing experiences in the field of data collection, management and processing for evaluations, including use of digital tools in agriculture,
 learning from innovative data collection and processing methods ready-to-use for evaluations in the context of agricultural policies,
 expert discussion on approaches, methods and relational implications relating to the use of digital data in agriculture


Name Title Biography
Simona Cristiano Researcher, Evaluation specialist Evaluation Specialist; Policy analyst; Programme/Project designer; Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation expert. 19 years of experience on national and European Policies, with a focus on the Agricultural Policy. Fields of expertise: AKIS; Farm Advisory Services, agricultural supply chains.
Flavio Lupia Researcher Flavio has more than 15 years of experience developed in the framework of national and international projects for the analysis of the relationships between agriculture and the environment and in the production of agricultural statistics. He is the author of over 100 publications.
Alberto Gutiérrez García Technician Alberto holds an MSc in Agronomy and has more than 15 year of experience in the fields of digital cartography, photogrammetry, GIS and remote sensing applied to agriculture. He has been involved in several projects related to agrometeorology, crop modelling and soil science.
Iraj Mr Namdarian Researcher Iraj has an MSc in Agricultural Science with a specialisation in Computer and Electronics, and a post-graduate master degree in Engineering for Public Administration and "GIS for land use planning. It can be mentioned his involvement in the research within ICT and Robotics in Agriculture.

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators Other

Event Details
