Evaluation and Reform: Youth, Trust, Governance and Transformational Change in Lebanon

Conference | Hybrid

About the Event

An Opportunity to Shape Lebanon's Future Through Evaluation!

In these turbulent times of the most severe political and economic crisis in Lebanon's contemporary history, there is a flicker of hope - an ambitious conference that could pave the way for real transformational change. The "Evaluation and Reform: Youth, Trust, Governance and Transformational Change in Lebanon" conference, organized jointly by the Observatory of Civil Service and Good Governance at Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ-OFP) and UNICEF Lebanon, promises to be a game-changer.

This is your chance to be part of a powerful movement to rebuild trust, transparency, and evidence-based governance in your nation, devastated by currency devaluation and drastic declines in basic services like electricity, water, healthcare, and education. Join local and global experts, policymakers, civil society leaders, academics, and passionate youth in charting Lebanon's roadmap to sustainable recovery through national evaluation capacity development (NECD) - a pivotal mechanism for reform highlighted in UN resolutions A/RES/69/237 and A/RES/77/283.

The interactive conference agenda is designed to ensure your voice is heard:

1- Kick things off at the "Youth Vision for Reform" workshop, where you can collaborate with peers to generate innovative youth-led initiatives that leverage NECD as a catalyst for positive change, reflecting Lebanon's commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals outlined in its 2018 Voluntary National Review.

2- Then dive into rich panel discussions addressing topics like how NECD can be a cornerstone of transformational change in Lebanon, following the example of global pioneers who have seen socio-economic advancement through robust evaluation practices. You'll also explore the legal prerequisites and optimal frameworks for embedding NECD into Lebanon's institutions for maximum accountability and transparency.

But this is not just talking - you'll help turn dialogue into action. The conference will synthesize all insights into a comprehensive pragmatic policy document providing a tangible path forward for actualizing NECD within Lebanon's constitutional backbone.
With hybrid sessions incorporating live-streaming and recordings, translation services, and an inclusive approach bringing together diverse ages, genders, sects, and economic philosophies, this conference is your platform to unite for a transparent, accountable future that mirrors the complex fabric of Lebanese society.
Secure your spot at this pivotal event shaping the destiny of your nation. Drawing from the global momentum of the gLOCAL Evaluation Week, this is a rare opportunity to pioneer trust and reform in Lebanon through the powerful tool of evaluation - the key to rekindling public confidence and steering institutional improvements.

Don't miss out! Join change-makers from international/local NGOs, decision-makers, academia, researchers, and passionate youth in this collaborative multi-stakeholder movement today.


Roundtable | Hybrid
June 6, 2024 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Panel 1: Establishing the Cornerstones for Sustainable Change. Main Title: "Pioneering Trust and Reform: The Crucial Role of Evaluation" Sub-topics: 1. Deciphering Transformational Change: Delve into the essence of transformational change within the NECD framework, emphasizing its criticality for Lebanon’s resurgence. How does evaluation (or National Evaluation system) act as a linchpin for national rejuvenation? 2. NECD as a Global Catalyst: Explore the global landscape of NECD initiatives, highlighting how transparency, accountability, and evidence-based policymaking have catalyzed socio-economic advancements worldwide. 3. Learning from Global Pioneers: Present case studies of countries where NECD has had a transformative impact, extracting actionable insights and strategies applicable to Lebanon’s context. 4. NECD’s Socio-economic Ripple Effect: Analyze the multifaceted benefits of robust evaluation practices, envisioning their potential to redefine Lebanon’s socio-economic fabric.
Premises of the Observatory of Public Service and Good Governance at Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ-OFP) - Beirut Lebanon


Name Title Biography
Myriam Vas Parijs Regional Adviser Evaluation at UNICEF, Middle East and North Africa Ms. Vas Parijs is currently the Regional Adviser Evaluation at UNICEF, Middle East and North Africa. Ms. Vas Parijs has held various roles in different organizations, including serving as the Research & Evaluation Manager at UNICEF. Her previous positions include Results and Evaluation Officer at EEA and Norway Grants, EFTA Financial Mechanism Office, Head Evaluation Office at Enabel, and International Programme Officer at BTC - Belgian Development Agency. She has also worked as a Monitoring & Evaluation expert and Trainer-Consultant at BTC - Belgian Development Agency, Project Manager - Health anthropologist at GTZ, and Technical writer - validator at Real Software. Ms. Vas Parijs holds a Master's degree in Public Management from Antwerp Management School and has studied at Université libre de Bruxelles and the University of Antwerp.
Kassem Al Saddiq Learning and Evaluation Expert Mr. Kassem Al Saddik is a Learning and Evaluation Expert with a strong track record in policy/program evaluation and strategy planning. With over a decade of experience, Mr. Al Saddik has designed, developed, and deployed M&E and performance management systems, conversant with various evaluation frameworks such as OM, RBM, BSC, logical models, and UNEG and DAC evaluation frameworks.
Alain Bifani Economist and Financial Expert Mr. Alain Bifani is a seasoned financial expert with over 20 years of experience in national and global financial institutions. He is the founding President of the Lebanese Citizen Foundation (LCF). Appointed in 2000 as the youngest Director General of the Ministry of Finance in Lebanon, he led significant reforms in tax transparency, elevating Lebanon's status according to the Global Forum for Tax Transparency and the OECD. Mr. Bifani introduced electronic taxation, improved taxpayer services, and established a code of ethics, earning a United Nations award for his work. He holds degrees from the Ecole Superieure d’Optique and HEC, France.
Marat Murzabekoz Monitoring and Evaluation Expert In his role as a leader in peacebuilding and conflict prevention, Dr. Marat Murzabekov specializes in measuring and enhancing development outcomes. His approach is comprehensive, employing both traditional methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and theory of change, as well as innovative techniques including big data analysis, behavioral insights, and systems thinking. This diverse toolkit allows him to effectively drive progress and innovation in his work. Dr. Murzabekov holds a PhD in Social and Economic Geography of the Uppsala University (Sweden).


Name Title Biography
Ms. Nabila Awad Journalist and News Anchor Nabila Awad is recognized for her work with MTV Lebanon. She has also worked with Sky News Arabia in 2015. Ms. Awad is a renowned journalist and news anchor from Lebanon. Ms. Awad holds a master’s degree in journalism.

Panel Discussion | Hybrid
June 6, 2024 11:30 AM - 15:00 PM
Panel 2: Tailoring NECD to Lebanon’s Unique Landscape. Main Title: "Operationalizing National Evaluation System: Lebanon’s Roadmap to Institutional Reform" Sub-topics: 1. Crafting a Legal Backbone for NECD: Examine the legal prerequisites for embedding NECD in Lebanon, discussing the formulation of policies that promote transparency and accountability. 2. Designating Stewardship for NECD: Debate the optimal regulatory framework for overseeing NECD in Lebanon, considering the roles of various governmental and independent entities. 3. Legislative and Executive Synergies: Assess the collaborative dynamics between Lebanon’s Parliament and government in actualizing NECD, outlining the mechanisms for checks and balances. 4. Sparking Civil Society as Change Agents: Highlight the instrumental role of civil society in advocating for NECD, ensuring its alignment with grassroots demands for governmental transparency and accountability. These panels, set against the backdrop of Lebanon’s pressing need for structural reforms and enhanced governance, aim to chart a path forward, leveraging evaluation as a transformative and unifying force. Through engaging discussions and strategic insights, the goal is to outline a pragmatic yet visionary approach for embedding NECD within Lebanon’s institutional framework, ultimately paving the way for a revitalized national ethos grounded in evidence, accountability, and public trust.
Premises of the Observatory of Public Service and Good Governance at Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ-OFP) - Beirut Lebanon


Name Title Biography
Dr. Lina Oueidat National ICT & ACT Coordinator, Presidency of the Council of Ministers Dr. Lina Oueidat serves as the National ICT and ACT Coordinator to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. She is also a member of the National Committee for Cyber Crime at the General Secretariat of the High Council of Defense. In addition to her advisory role, she is a Professor at the Lebanese University – Faculty of Engineering. Dr. Oueidat is the Founder of ECS Consulting Firm and EDITRA Professional Technical Translation firm. She has advised several public and international entities, such as the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities, PCM, Beirut Municipality, Ministry of Health, WHO, Ministry of Energy – Water sector, and World Bank, on Government Information Systems, Digital transformation, and public administration modernization. Dr. Oueidat holds a Double Major PhD in Electronics – Telecommunications and Biomedical Engineering from Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité France & Paris XI.
Mr. Ghassan Hasbani Former Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Ghassan Hasbani is a distinguished Lebanese politician and businessman, currently serving as a Member of Parliament with the Strong Republic bloc. He served as Lebanon’s Minister of Public Health and Deputy Prime Minister from December 2016 to January 2020. Before his political career, Mr. Hasbani was the CEO of International Operations at the Saudi Telecom Group and led the Middle East Communications and Technology practice at the global management consulting firm Booz & Company. Born in Rmeil, Beirut, to a Greek Orthodox Christian family, Mr. Hasbani completed his graduate studies in London, obtaining a degree with distinction in engineering and a Master of Business Administration (MBA). His expertise spans planning, economics, and technology.
Ms. Serena Kaddoum Civil Society Activist - Co-Founder of Afdal Serena Kaddoum is an advocate for anti-corruption and good governance in Lebanon. She co-founded the Advocacy Force for Development and Anti-Corruption in Lebanon (AFDAL) and founded Statelet, focusing on combating financial crimes and improving public financial management. She has significantly contributed to the national anti-corruption strategy as a member of the National Youth Task Force, conducted workshops on public procurement law, and advised on legal reforms related to asset declaration and illicit enrichment laws. Recognized for her pioneering work, she has been honored at the Arab Government Administration Forum in Dubai and by the Lebanese Government. Serena studied Law at the Lebanese University (French section) and Civic Engagement at Saint Mary's College, Indiana, USA.


Name Title Biography
Mr. Maged Bou Hadir Journalist and News anchor Mr. Maged Bou Hadir currently serves as the Director of Public Affairs and Protocol at the University Notre-Dame of Louaizé. Mr. Bou Hadir is a senior anchorman, he started his career with MTV Lebanon began 18 years ago, and he has since become a respected figure in the field. Mr. Bou Hadir is a distinguished Lebanese journalist and news anchor, known for his work with MTV Lebanon. In addition to his journalism career, he is deeply committed to social service and youth development. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Lebanese University – Faculty of Law and Political Science and a Bachelor’s Degree in Banking, Corporate, Finance, and Securities Law from Saint Joseph University of Beirut.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Media Academics Civil Society Students Youth Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism

Event Details
