The Global Coalition for SDG Syntheses: translating the findings of syntheses to leverage use and ownership at the country-level

Panel Discussion | Online

About the Event

How can syntheses of evaluative evidence help in achieving Agenda 2030? Hosted by UNICEF and UNDP-IEO on behalf of the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition, this event will focus on the value of synthesizing evaluative evidence to help ensure that decisions on the SDGs are informed by evidence on what works, where, and for whom. Through a facilitated discussion between the three panelists, the event will explore the importance of a multi-agency collaborative approach to synthesizing evidence, and how synthesis can best be packaged for use by decision makers at the national and local levels.


Name Title Biography
Shivit Bakrania Evaluation Specialist (Synthesis), UNDP Independent Evaluation Office Shivit Bakrania (Shiv) is an evidence synthesis, knowledge management and social research methods specialist with 15+ years’ experience in the international development sector. He joined UNDP-IEO in April 2023 as Evaluation Specialist (Synthesis). Before, he had been been Knowledge Management Specialist at UNICEF Innocenti – Global Office of Research and Foresight, with many years of experience as an independent research consultant, specialising in producing policy-relevant research and evidence tools to support governments, international development agencies and non-governmental organisations to implement evidence-based policy, programming and advocacy. He has been involved in undertaking systematic reviews, evidence gap maps and rapid evidence assessments, as a principal investigator, team leader and as a commissioner and manager. The most recent published examples include a systematic review of reviews on the ‘Impact of social protection on gender equality in low- and middle-income countries’, and evidence gap maps on ‘Inclusive Interventions for Children with Disabilities Living in Low- and Middle-Income Countries’ and ‘Child and adolescent mental health and psychosocial support interventions’. He has long-standing thematic and academic research interests in: evidence synthesis and translation, political economy approaches to development, youth and political violence, security and access to justice, and governance in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. Shiv holds two Master's degrees: one in Poverty Reduction and Development Management, and another in Social Research Methods, both from the University of Birmingham. He started a PhD in International Development, also at the University of Birmingham.
Claudia Maldonado Professor, Autonomous Metropolitan University Mexico, CONVEVAL Council Member Claudia Maldonado (she/her) (Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Notre Dame, MPA in Economics and Public Policy, Princeton University, BA in Public Administration, El Colegio de México) is a Mexican national with 16 years of experience working at the intersections of research and teaching; and theory and practice in development policy, program evaluation, and M&E systems. She was the founding Director General of the CLEAR Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results for Latin America and the Caribbean at the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE). She has extensive experience in program evaluation projects, evaluation capacity-building, and knowledge management and sharing for development effectiveness and serves expert advisory roles in major evaluation and capacity-building development institutions. She is a Council Member at the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) and a Professor and Researcher at the Autonomous Metropolitan University in Mexico.
Daniel E. Ortega Director of Impact Evaluation and Policy Learning, CAF - Development Bank of Latin America Daniel E. Ortega is Director of Impact Evaluation and Policy Learning at CAF – Development Bank of Latin America – and associate professor at IESA Business School. His research has been in the area of microeconomics of development, with a focus on social experimentation and impact evaluation of anti-crime interventions in Latin America, such as police training programmes in Colombia and Argentina as well as two hotspots patrol experimental evaluations in Bogotá and Medellin. He is coordinator of CAF’s research programme on citizen security and has recently led several experiments with tax authorities to evaluate strategies for increasing tax compliance. An overarching theme is the use of impact evaluation as a tool for public management, which can help public institutions transform their policy experience into a lasting knowledge footprint. His research has been published in several peer reviewed scholarly journals. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Maryland.
Kassem El Saddik Learning and Evaluation Practitioner With ore than 18 years of experience, Kassem has diligently conducted dozens of evaluations of complex programs in emergency contexts. He is credited for contributing to the global evaluation networks, co-founder and co-chair of EVALSDGs, coordinated EvalPartner’s Flagship Programs, co-authored series of Briefing papers on evaluation and the SDGs, contributed to many panels in the context of the HLPF and the NEC Conferences. He is founding member of EvalMENA network and currently serves on many Advisory and Reference Groups (ALNAP and UN Women Synthesis of evaluation of SDG5), while advising 360 Consulting.


Name Title Biography
Kerry Albright Principal Adviser Evaluation, UNICEF Evaluation Office Kerry Albright is a Social & Political Scientist with 25 years of experience in international development and evidence informed decision-making. In September 2022, she took up a new position as Deputy Director/Principal Adviser-Evaluation with UNICEF’s Evaluation Office based in New York City, USA where her role includes helping to ensure that UNICEF evaluations provide consistently credible and useful independent analyses that harness knowledge to help the Organization deliver results for children. Prior to this, she was Deputy Director and Chief of Research Facilitation and Knowledge Management of UNICEF’s Office of Research, based in Florence, Italy where she was responsible for research governance and capacity-building across UNICEF’s 190+ offices worldwide. She is also a co-chair of the ‘People’ pillar of the new Global Coalition for SDG Syntheses, an initiative spearheaded by UNDP and UNICEF which aims to identify lessons for accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals through syntheses of global evaluative (and other) forms of evidence.

Topics and Themes

Decision makers VOPEs / Evaluation networks Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee Governance International Cooperation Public Policy

Event Details
