Global Fund Evaluation & Learning Principles

Webinar | Online
  • Organized by:
    The Global Fund
  • In partnership with: John T. Grove PhD, MA (Chief Evaluation and Learning Officer Office of the Executive Director), Roy Mutandwa (Evaluation Specialist, COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19 RM), Pandemic Preparedness Response (PPR), ( Global Fund-Evaluation and Learning Office), Dr. Mira Johri (The Global Fund Independent Evaluation Panel Chair)

About the Event

The Global Fund is a worldwide partnership to defeat HIV, TB and malaria and ensure a healthier, safer, more equitable future for all. We raise and invest more than US$5 billion a year to fight the deadliest infectious diseases, challenge the injustice that fuels them, and strengthen health systems and pandemic preparedness in more than 100 of the hardest hit countries. In 2022, the Global Fund disbursed a record US$5.2 billion to fight HIV, TB and malaria, support COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) activities and strengthen the systems for health that underpin any pandemic response. We unite world leaders, communities, civil society, health workers and the private sector to find solutions that have the most impact, and we take them to scale worldwide.

Evaluation & Learning Principles (“The Principles”) reflect the new core values of the Global Fund Evaluation Function and are intended to guide the professional and ethical conduct of related activities. Developed by the Evaluation and Learning Office (ELO) with the Independent Evaluation Panel (IEP) of the Global Fund, this document sets the overarching principles that support the operationalization of the mandate from the Board and strengthens accountability, evidence-based decision making and greater learning from evaluation evidence. The gLocal event presents an opportunity for the Global Fund to share with the world these evaluation principles which helps in the execution of high-quality evaluations and is in line with the, gLocal theme for 2024 specifically around one of the two ways that evaluation can contribute to transformational change through, “The role of evaluation as a platform to advocate for policy solutions that are more likely to contribute to transformational change.’’ This could be ideally achieved through credible and useful evidence. The Global Fund evaluation principles are meant to ensure that evaluation processes in the ELO adhere to rigorous and credible techniques, while at the same time ensuring ethical practice that incorporates considerations for progressing in a modern society.

Expected learning outcomes

Participants attending the Global Fund’s new evaluation principles presentation will understand how the Evaluation & Learning Principles reflect the core values of the Global Fund’s Evaluation Function. The targeted stakeholders will learn how these principles are designed to guide the professional and ethical conduct of related evaluation activities within the Global Fund in supporting the mandate from the Board to enhance accountability and learning within the organisation. Additionally potential evaluators with the Global Fund will have an understanding of the expectations and expected standards in conducting evaluations for the organisation.

Event type and format

The Zoom Webinar platform will be used to allow for real-time interaction and screen sharing. The presenters will ensure that online participants have as positive an experience as in-person participants by the use of the Zoom platform which allows for real-time interaction, and engagement.


Name Title Biography
John T. Grove PhD, MA Chief Evaluation and Learning Officer Office of the Executive Director John has over 25 years of global expertise in public health and monitoring and evaluation, John joins the Global Fund from WHO where he has been the founding Director of Quality Assurance for Norms and Standards for the last three years. Prior to that, he was WHO’s Director of Information, Evidence and Research. Before joining WHO, John was Deputy Director for Evidence and Policy in the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health team at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). He was responsible for the investment portfolio on evidence and research and also worked within the organization to set strategy and guide related health analytics, in addition to being a representative on evidence and policy with the foundation’s external partners, including the UN system. He also served on the global health strategy team in the Office of the President and worked across HIV, TB, pneumonia, diarrhea, and immunization teams on strategy development and evaluation. Prior to BMGF, John was with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for 8 years in team lead and section chief roles based in Tanzania, Zambia, and Cote d’Ivoire supervising disease surveillance, program monitoring and evaluation, health informatics, nurse, lab, and medical training programs, and as a lead US diplomat with host country governments on technical assistance and resource negotiation. John is originally from the United States and holds a PhD in health services research and evaluation from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, a master’s in applied anthropology from the University of San Francisco, and a bachelor’s in international relations from Kent State University.
Roy Mutandwa Evaluation Specialist, COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19 RM), Pandemic Preparedness Response (PPR), ( Global Fund-Evaluation and Learning Office) Roy Mutandwa works in the Global Fund’s Evaluation and Learning Office to ensure the development and implementation of the evaluation and learning plan for C19RM &PPR, liaising with relevant internal teams on evaluation and learning needs, implementation, and adaptation specific to PPR, also harnessing actionable evidence related to Health Systems Strengthening (RHSS), coordinating the design and implementation of evaluation processes leading through to the end-term evaluation of C19RM. Additionally, he will support and facilitate insights, learning and adaptation from evaluation evidence in relevant areas (including from relevant partner evaluations) and contribute to strategic decision-making in PPR. Prior to joining the Global Fund, Prior to joining the GF, Roy has served in various roles as evaluation specialist or team leader on multi-country evaluations for or funded by UNICEF and UNHCR, UNFPA, UNDP, USAID, BHA, World Bank on evaluating disaster relief programs in Africa and South Asia (Zimbabwe, Yemen, South Africa, South Sudan, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Fiji, Samoa, Kiribati, Tonga, Solomon’s Island, Vanuatu, Thailand, Ghana, Senegal, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia), leading to a track record of successful utilization and learning to inform future preparedness and health systems strengthening activities. Originally from Zimbabwe, Roy holds an M.Sc. in Disaster Management, and a BSc Hons Psychology from the National University of Science and Technology (Zimbabwe) and the Midlands State University (Zimbabwe), respectively.
Dr. Mira Johri The Global Fund Independent Evaluation Panel Chair Dr. Johri is a Professor in the Department of Health Management, Evaluation and Policy at the School of Public Health, University of Montreal, and Principal Scientist at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM). Dr. Johri's research explores the social and structural determinants of global child health, with a focus on equitable access to childhood vaccines globally and in India. Dr. Johri studied economics, ethics, and political philosophy (theories of justice) at McGill University, and public health (quantitative methods for program evaluation) at Yale University. She has served as a Consultant in the Department of Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health at the World Health Organization, Independent Expert to the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), and Independent Expert to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, where she held various roles for more than a decade. Johri’s research has appeared in high-impact journals such as the Lancet, the Lancet Global Health, BMC Medicine, and the Bulletin of the World Health Organization. As a researcher, she strives to cultivate a broad and integrative vision of health and health determinants, methodological excellence, and a commitment to fieldwork. Her goal is to do applied work that is anchored in field realities, useful to communities, and informative for policy and practice. Dr. Johri co-led an HIV prevention project in Guatemala from 2004- 2009 and has been leading field research on immunization and child health in rural Uttar Pradesh, India since 2012. In 2020, the team became an official Indian not-for-profit organization, Raah Health and Social Development Foundation, whose mission is to accelerate health equity in rural India through community-driven innovation. In 2022, Dr.Johri received the Research Excellence Award from the University of Montreal’s School of Public Health.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators VOPEs / Evaluation networks Media Academics Civil Society Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism

Event Details
