How and why do Communities of Practice for Evaluators deliver? The case of EvalForward

Webinar | Online

About the Event

EvalForward is a Community of Practice on Evaluation for Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Development launched in 2018 by the evaluation offices of FAO, IFAD, WFP and CGIAR, with the purpose to “Improve national capacities in conducting or using evaluations related to agriculture, rural development and food security through the establishment of an international network open to evaluators, development practitioners, policymakers and researchers across national institutions to share evaluative information and knowledge on food security-related interventions”.
Is this aim still valid and what is the added value that EvalForward and Communities of Practice in general bring to the evaluation community?
This event will highlight the novel cross-agency dedicated facilitation model of EvalForward, how peer to peer capacity development strengthens culture and collaboration opportunities within the evaluation community, as well as the role of institutional sponsorship of Communities of Practice in order to deliver global public goods where there would otherwise be gaps.


Name Title Biography
Carl Jackson Independent consultant Carl Jackson has 25 years’ experience focusing on evaluation, learning, and knowledge management in international development. He has experience with CoPs as a designer, facilitator and reviewer and has held senior roles leading evaluations. He has also designed and reviewed knowledge management strategies and capacity development initiatives.


Name Title Biography
Renata Mirulla Facilitator of EvalForward Renata facilitates the EvalForward Community of Practice. In this role, she supports knowledge sharing and information exchange among members, summarizing topics discussed and highlighting good practices in evaluation, ensuring updates on events, resources, guidelines that are relevant to evaluation in agriculture, food security and rural development.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation Comissioners VOPEs / Evaluation networks Evaluation Networks

Event Details
