How can we strengthen national evaluation capacities and systems in ways that enhance the potential for achieving transformational change?

Webinar | Online

About the Event

Our speakers will discuss the three dimensions of evaluation systems (individual, institutional and enabling environment) followed by the importance of harmonization and coordination of NES efforts. In addition, taxonomy where the difference between evaluation, monitoring research, audit as well as building blocks such as OECD DAC evaluation criteria will be presented. Our speakers will highlight the interplay between international norms at the global level and the cultivation of evaluation culture at the local level throughout the webinar as well as share their insights to how evaluation can contribute to Agenda 2030.

In this webinar, we will have government officials from China and Mongolia who will emphasize the value of evaluation in their respective contexts. In addition, a winning team of the 2nd Mongolian Evaluation Case Competition will join the webinar to discuss how they applied the OECD/DAC criteria in the competition.


Name Title Biography
Erdenechimeg (Chimgee) Ulziisuren Founder & President of Mongolian Evaluation Association Erdenechimeg Ulziisuren is Founder & President of Mongolian Evaluation Association & CEO & Founder of Cognos International LLC–Evaluation & Research Company. She is a member of Professionalization of Evaluation Task Forces of IOCE & APEA. She holds MSc. Social Research Methods from LSE UK.
Xin Xin Yang Multi-Country Evaluation Specialist (China, DPRK, Mongolia) at UNICEF Xin Xin is a Multi-Country Evaluation Specialist at UNICEF, working with China, DPRK, and Mongolia Country Offices. She has 20 years of international development work experience and holds LLMs from Yale Law School and Beijing University & MPA in international development from Princeton University
Riccardo Polastro Chief Evaluation Officer at WHO Riccardo Polastro is Chief Evaluation Officer at WHO since 2023. Prior to joining WHO, he served as UNICEF’s Evaluation Advisor Regional Offices for Latin America and the Caribbean and for East Asia and the Pacific. Riccardo has thirty years of experience in humanitarian affairs and development aid.
Megan Grace Kennedy-Chouane Head of Evaluation Unit, Development Cooperation Directorate OECD Megan heads the Evaluation Unit in the OECD Development Co-operation Directorate, managing the DAC Network on Development Evaluation and the COVID-19 Global Evaluation Coalition. She has expertise is supporting evidence-informed policy making, facilitating social change & impact-focused strategies.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation users Decision makers VOPEs / Evaluation networks Students Youth Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism Evaluation Networks International Cooperation Youth in Evaluation

Event Details
