Humanitarian development peace nexus (HDPN): Insights from UN programming and evaluations

Panel Discussion

About the Event

As part of the gLocal Evaluation Week, UNDP Independent Evaluation Office is organizing a webinar to share insights on what the humanitarian-development-peace nexus means in practice. The UN emphasis on “sustaining peace” to bolster international efforts to prevent the outbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of conflict, the new way of working and humanitarian-development-peace nexus for a coordinated national and international response assume significance given the challenges fragile and conflict affected States face in making progress on SDGs. This discussion will draw on UNDP evaluations with insights from UNDP’s global engagement in furthering the nexus approach and lessons from country programme on addressing nexus issues in country level programming to “build forward better”. In addition, UNHCR will be sharing learning from an ongoing longitudinal evaluation of UNHCR’s engagement in humanitarian-development cooperation which was commissioned in 2018 to help UNHCR understand what global policy shifts, such as the GCR, meant for how UNHCR should position itself and approach our cooperation with development partners and host governments going forward. The webinar will explore factors in developing practical models to implement the humanitarian-development-peace nexus and new ways of working, and promote humanitarian-development cooperation working to address the complexity of protracted crisis contexts.

Recommended Resources:
UNHCR - The Global Compact on Refugees:

UNHCR - Y1 Think Piece:

UNHCR - Y2 Discussion Papers:

UNDP - Evaluation of UNDP support to Conflict Affected countries:

UNDP support to Syrian Refugee Crisis Response: of UNDP support to poverty reduction in the LDCs


Name Title Biography
Vijayalakshmi Vadivelu Senior Evaluation Advisor Vijayalakshmi Vadivelu, Evaluation Advisor, Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP, has twenty-five years of experience in international development policy, evaluation, and research. She has lead and managed evaluations of development and crisis related programmes at the global and country levels.
Nabila Hameed Senior Evaluation Officer Nabila Hameed, Senior Evaluation Officer, UNHCR Evaluation Service, has over 17 years’ experience in planning, monitoring and evaluation. She is currently leading a multi-year evaluation of UNHCR’s engagement in humanitarian-development cooperation.
Hugh Macleman Programme Specialist Hugh MacLeman is based in UNDP’s Crisis Bureau in Geneva as a Programme Specialist focusing on the relationship with humanitarian and peace actors and strengthening 'nexus offer' and approaches for more complementary and effective actions. Hugh has over 20 years of related work experience.

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
