IDEAS - Evaluation for transformational change

Panel Discussion

About the Event

IDEAS is a global professional evaluation association which focuses on international sustainable development issues. It is deeply involved in strengthening and promoting the evaluation profession, fostering capacity development, and improving and advancing evaluation theories and practice, methods and use of evidence.

Against this backdrop, IDEAS has organized 4 panels on different but inter-connected themes: Gender transformative evaluation; Evaluating Gender in Fragile, Conflict and Violent Contexts; Challenges and Opportunities for Young and Emerging Evaluations in the COVID19 context; and Trends and Dynamics for Evidence use. Perspectives from Africa.
Through these Panels IDEAS intends to share experiences and knowledge on the main areas of work of the organization . The panels will count with participation of well known and credible international evaluators, government representatives and other stakeholders.
Participants will be able to learn from IDEAS experiences and to share their own experiences.


Panel Discussion
June 2, 2021 00:00 AM - 16:00 PM
Evaluators have an important role on promoting cross-cutting reflections to address transformative urgencies and pave the way to the achievement of the SDGs. The SDGs presented to the world a vision of the future, formulated as a network of interconnected areas which demand systemic ways of looking, for commissioners, stakeholders and, in special, for evaluators. Chaired by Eddah Kanini Karijo, leader of the Gender and Equity-Focused Evaluation IDEAS Thematic Interest Group (GEFE-ITIG), this panel will present thoughts and experiences that address gender transformative approaches in evaluation. With this panel, IDEAS and EvalGender+ proposes to explore how gender and equity could be taken as a beacon to illuminate meaningful interconnections between the various targets and goals of the SDGs and identify leverage points for the transformations required. Gender transformation is slowly building global momentum and evaluations and evaluators need to develop skills and competencies to ensure they can assess progress and challenges of projects and programmes, but also capture excellence. The panel starts by presenting the work carried out by the GEFE-ITIG, then inquiries about how useful a systems approach can be to support Gender Transformative Evaluation for the SDGs. Then, capacity development efforts in gender transformative evaluation captured through an EvalGender+ supported project are brought to the table to illuminate potential contributions to mainstream Gender in evaluation. Based on a work done for a Peer-to-Peer project on capacity building in Africa, an analysis is made at the following levels: Individual (evaluators including young end emerging evaluators skills and needs), organizations (including voluntary e.g., national VOPEs), and national level competencies (e.g., gender assessments of national evaluation plans, frameworks, and systems) across different cultures. Sharing of the results and the captured needs and available resources and curricula may serve similar contexts in the Global South.


Name Title Biography
Cristina Magro Former Secretary General Cristina Magro es doctora en Ciencias de la Lengua, es graduada de IPDET y certificada en Evaluación Institucional por el Ministerio de Educación y Cultura de Brasil. Desarrolló su carrera como profesora titular en la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, así como profesora asociada, académica visitante e investigadora en instituciones académicas de Brasil y del extranjero.
Fabiola Amariles Director Independent consultant in evaluation and capacity building on PM&E for development organizations, programs and projects. RedWIM representative to the EvalGender+ Management Group. Member of the Board of Directors of IDEAS, the International Development Evaluation Association
Dr Madri Jansen van Rensburg Management Group member Dr Madri Jansen van Rensburg is a research and consulting psychologist doing research, monitoring and evaluation and organisational development work.
Eddah Kannini. - Panel moderator Gender and Equity-FocusEvaluation IDEAS Thematic Interest Group (GEFE-ITIG) leader Monitoring, Evaluation and Gender Consultant/Trainer. Kenya.

Panel Discussion
June 2, 2021 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Gender as a category is understood here as an inclusive term i.e. women and girls, men and boys, and LGBTQ persons. In evaluation research and evaluation there is a tendency to focus on women, because of their documented vulnerability in certain cultural contexts with strong patriarchal traditions. In a FCV context, this becomes even more visible, whereas the vulnerability of LGBTQ persons might be underestimated, and the men´s role is both over- and underestimated. The social world cannot be taken for granted, ab initio. The argument in this session is that gender as an inclusive category must be considered in order to reach a deeper understanding of the complexity in a given FCV context. For an evaluation to be useful, we need to understand how the dynamics between how different gender groups interact with conflict scenarios, and how conflict impact on different gender groups in a given FCV environment.


Name Title Biography
Susan Tamondong Former vice-president Quality Assurance Expert at FCG Swedish Development AB. Member of UN Women. Former Vice-president IDEAS. Member of IDEAS resettlement thematic group. Contact:
Emma Rotondo Consultant Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant. Advisor on Logotherapy and Existential Analysis Member of IDEAS FCV thematic group Contact:
Hur Hassnain Board member Evaluation Expert. Founder of Pakistan Evaluation Association. Board member of IDEAS. Board member of IAE. Contact:
Inga-Lill Aronsson Senior Lecturer. Uppsala University Inga-Lill Aronsson. Senior Lecturer. Uppsala University. Board member of IDEAS. Contact:

June 4, 2021 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Remote program evaluation has facilitated the process of evaluating any program during the pandemic. Although it has miscellaneous advantages, such as time efficiency, cost effectiveness, and connecting evaluators with stakeholders and participants all around the world, remote program evaluation still has several disadvantages, such as low-quality internet connection and fewer opportunities to build rapport among others. Another important issue is that of the importance of mental health and to understand the amount of stress the pandemic has placed on evaluators. I believe it is still important to recognize that not all evaluators can work efficiently and effectively under stress, and they also need some quality time so they can plan, implement, and deliver evaluations to the best of their abilities. After the pandemic ends, it will be important to weigh the pros and cons of remote program evaluation to determine whether an evaluator would opt for remote or in-person evaluation. An important consideration when performing remote evaluation is to successfully ensure that the evaluator is still abiding by frameworks for evaluation posed by their field, such as the Framework for Evaluation in Public Health by the CDC that guides evaluators in the public health field. Another important finding is that although the majority of evaluators are leaning towards remote evaluation, they still need to consider the context they’re in and determine whether it’s more appropriate to go for in-person evaluation instead.


Name Title Biography
Nour Hammad Master's of science candidate Duke University Master’s of Science candidate in Global Health at Duke University. I’m also a Registered Dietitian. I am a Bseiso scholar. I graduated from AUB with a BS in Nutrition and Dietetics Coordinated Program. I was an Alghurair foundation for education STEM scholar, cohort 1. E-mail:
Masann Miapeh Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Trainer - Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Jerubaai University of NGOs - Monrovia
Camila Garroux Specialist in social impact and evaluation Social Impact and Evaluation Specialist Consultant for social programme's design and analysis of quantitative and qualitative research on Social Programmes and policies. Contact:
Suman Budhwani Community Integration Lead for Southlake Community Ontario Community Integration Lead for Southlake Community Ontario Health Team; Evaluation and Measurement Specialist Contact :

Panel Discussion
May 31, 2021 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Evidence can shape policy decisions in a variety of ways. Use of evidence to inform and influence policy formulation, implementation and evaluation is centered towards better decisions for a better future. It is focused on the effective use of vehemently scarce resources, avoiding harm and maximizing good. Use of evidence is grounded in principles of equity and equality, of accountability and transparency. Given these characteristics, there is arguably a moral, economic, social and political case for paying closer attention to evidence-informed decision-making ecosystems in African governments. A prerequisite for the actual use of evaluations in policy is that key political actors demand evidence to be made available and are receptive to the findings. Guidance produced by the World Bank Group on strengthening government capacity in generating and using M&E evidence argues that weak demand for evaluation evidence can pose an even greater limitation to the use of evaluation evidence. There is increasing interest in understanding whether and under what circumstances robust evidence directly contributes to a policy decision. Indeed, a number of initiatives are consistently gaining momentum in Africa with the aim of advancing demand and use of evidence. This panel is aimed at documenting contextual factors (trends and dynamics) in Africa that have shaped efforts towards evidence use. This panel will present views from distinguished panelists who will share stories of effective evidence-policy-practice interfaces in Africa, such as credibility/trust, relevance, timeliness, clarity and legitimacy. The discussion will profile what has worked, what has not and why?


Name Title Biography
Rosseti Nabumba President Rosetti NABBUMBA has over 20 years experience in agricultural policy development and research, poverty and policy analysis, monitoring and evaluation. Currently she is the presidente of the African Evaluation Association
Ian Goldman Advisor Ian Goldman was the Head of Evaluation and Research and later DDG in South Africa's Ministry/Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME), where he led the establishment of South Africa's national evaluation system. He is now an Advisor on Evaluation and Evidence Systems at CLEAR Anglophone Africa.
Rasheed Draman President Dr. Draman has been actively engaged in Institutional, Parliamentary, Public Financial Management, Evaluation and Governance issues for the past twenty years. Dr. Draman has carried out pioneering work with more than 30 African Parliaments and a total 50 Parliaments around the world. He is President and CEO of the African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs and led many of projects working with Parliaments, Civil Society and other key change actors, particularly in Africa and Asia. Dr. Draman has also conducted needs assessments of a number of Parliaments around the world, helped a number of African Parliaments in their Strategic Planning; designed and delivered training to MPs and staff in the budget process; designed and delivered a number of training seminars for MPs on financial oversight, oversight of the extractives sector and evidence informed policy making.
Josephine Watera Head Monitoring and Evaluation Division Head of the Monitoring Division Parliament of Uganda IDEAS board member representing Africa Contact:

Topics and Themes

NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
