Initiatives in Measuring National Evaluative Capacity

Panel Discussion

About the Event

The purpose of this one-hour ignite session is to discuss recent initiatives in measuring national evaluative capacity. Speakers will present the National Evaluation Capacity Index piloted in the LAC region, the National Evaluation Systems and Capacities assessment carried out in Asia and the Pacific, as well as other measurement approaches to strengthen national systems being considered by the Global Evaluation Initiative. Participants will then be invited to discuss potential opportunities and challenges of applying such approaches in other country and regional contexts.


Name Title Biography
Michala Assankpon Evaluation Officer Michala Assankpon works as Evaluation Officer in WFP’s Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean. She has over 10 years of experience in monitoring and evaluation as well as programme coordination mainly from Sub-Saharan Africa and the LAC region.
Michael Craft Regional Evaluation Specialist Michael F. Craft works as the Regional Evaluation Specialist for the Americas and the Caribbean in UN Women. Prior to his current position, he evaluated United Nations advocacy efforts on behalf of vulnerable populations, and conducted evaluations for the United Nations Development Programme.
Riccardo Polastro Regional Evaluation Adviser Riccardo Polastro is the Evaluation Adviser at UNICEF’s Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. He has twenty years of experience in humanitarian affairs and development aid for the United Nations, the International Movement of the Red Cross, NGOs, donor agencies and private firms.
Heather Bryant Evaluation Advisor Heather Bryant is an Evaluation Advisor with the UNDP IEO, leading the IEO’s work on national evaluation capacity development. She organized the 2017 and 2019 National Evaluation Capacities Conferences and is currently seconded to the Global Evaluation Initiative.

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
