Innovations in Gender Transformative Evaluations: Experiences and learnings from South Asia, Brazil, Mexico and South America

Panel Discussion

About the Event

Four examples illustrate innovative gendered and equitable evaluative practice and knowledge generation. In Brazil, evaluators used social innovation theory to investigate the role of women leaders for gender transformation. In Mexico, evaluators used the Gender Perspective, a diagnostic evaluation to transform and improve public policies, and projects and evaluation practice. South Asian evaluators discuss effective and contextually relevant evaluation practices to address masculinity and patriarchy. And finally, an innovative methodological tool assessed gender equality practices in four women-led private companies from four South American countries.


Name Title Biography
Florencia Tateossian EvalGender+ Co-Chair and Evaluation Specialist at UN Women New York Florencia is co-chair of EvalGender+ and an Evaluation Specialist in the Independent Evaluation Service, part of the Independent Evaluation and Audit Service of UN Women. Has more than 15 years of evaluation experience, previously worked at UNDP, World Bank, World Bank, and the European Commission.
ADRIANA MARÍA ALONSO ROZO REDWIM Member Master in Business Administration with an emphasis in marketing, and Specialist in Quality Management Chemical Engineer. Regional Director, Icontec. Scholarship holder of “Women in Management”, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. Member of the RedWIM coordination team. Teaches gender equality.
Tatiane de Jesus Member +12 years experience in international cooperation and local development. An emerging evaluator working on collaborative public policy evaluations. Holds an MSc in Regional and Urban Planning Studies from LSE and BSc in International Relations and studied gender, Afro American topics and innovation
Edelith Romero Monterde Co-Founder M&E consultant in Cocoa Services, studied economics and public policy, public policy and evaluation; has experience in the public sector in areas of evaluation of international cooperation for development and in the private sector. She is Co-founder of ACEVAL and coordinator of EvalGender Mexico
Dr. Shweta Anand Core Group member +14 years experience in designing gender and equity.development communication messages. Works in monitoring and evaluation, effectiveness of ICT4D interventions using participatory techniques; consultant USAID, Centre for Media Studies, National Human Systems & Resources,; Asst Prof Univ of Delhi

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators Gender Responsive Evaluation NA-Social Justice

Event Details
