Innovative approaches to Monitoring and Evaluation in the Caribbean region


About the Event

In this session, evaluation professionals who work in the Caribbean region will discuss the innovative approaches they employed to conduct the evaluations of projects focused on topics such as climate resilience, sexual violence prevention, inner city community renewal and citizen security. The extent to which these approaches can serve to influence policy on not only the areas evaluated, but on the mainstreaming of evaluation into project implementation generally .


Name Title Biography
Marsha Watson -Hylton M&E specialist A results-oriented Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist and qualified Programme Evaluator with approximately 10 years cumulative experience in the field of monitoring and evaluation, who has worked with a broad spectrum of stakeholders to design and implement monitoring and evaluation plans.
Dr Mariette Newman M&E specialist Dr Newman has worked extensively in the area of tertiary education in the Caribbean, especially in designing, facilitating and evaluating a range of learning experiences. Prior to joining COL, she was Coordinator of the Graduate Studies Unit in the School of Education at University of West Indies.
Dr Sandra Ortega M&E Specialist Dr Ortega holds a doctorate in Quantitative Methods of Evaluation and Research,and for over 25 years, she has focused on education, health and human services. Since 2006, she has worked as an Empowerment Evaluator for the Ohio Domestic Violence Network
Dr Lennise Baptiste Immediate Past President/General Secy Dr Baptiste has over 30 years experience in the Caribbean and US working in (i) primary and secondary education, training of public sector NGO personnel in monitoring & evaluation and project management; and (ii) evaluation of social interventions, violence prevention, citizen security and health
Dr Perry Polar Programme Manager Dr. Perry Polar is Programme Manager for the EU-OACPS project HIT RESET Caribbean at the University of the West Indies and Programme Coordinator at the Caribbean Network for Urban & Land Management. He has managed numerous projects from the European Union and other international donors.

Topics and Themes

NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
