Integrating Resilience Measurement for Learning to Drive Impact: Adaptive Management in Action in Mozambique

Webinar | Online

About the Event

How do you mainstream Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) when working with the results of resilience measurements? Topics will include; 1) designing a Pause & Reflect workshop to make evidence-based decisions; 2) Tailoring workshops for varied audiences (e.g. internal stakeholders and external government and donor officials); 3) Tools and methods to facilitate active learning; 4) Benefits to including Learning components in MEL plans. This workshop will use our experience hosting a Pause & Reflect for the FtF Resilient Coastal Communities project in Mozambique as a case study.


Name Title Biography
Victoria Seekman Senior Associate, Resilience and Net Zero Victoria works on iDE's Climate, Resilience, and Agriculture team. She has been with iDE for a little over 1 year. She is passionate about helping project teams use data and learning methods to improve upon programming. She is based in Washington, D.C..
Caximo Caximo MERL Director, FtF Resilient Coastal Communities Caximo Caximo is the MERL Director for a Country-Based project in Mozambique, implemented by IDE, called Resilient Coastal Community (RCC). This is a 5-year project, funded by USAID. Caximo has been with IDE for over 1 year, implementing Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation efforts for RCC. His role involves facilitating use of routine and assessment data, to foster innovation and project adaptation.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation users Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism Participatory/ Community based/ Collaborative Evaluation

Event Details
