The Local is Indigenous: EvalIndigenous advocacy for Indigenous evaluation

Panel Discussion

About the Event

This panel presentation will canvas what Indigenous evaluation is, why it is important, and the work undertaken by EvalIndigenous to advocate for Indigenous evaluation. This advocacy includes the Indigenous Voices project which is documenting the presence and practice of Indigenous evaluators and evaluation/decision-making experts from around the globe; the development of an African Indigenous Evaluation Protocol; and advice to Indigenous communities about the questions they might ask evaluators to help ensure their full inclusion in evaluation decision-making and implementation. The panel will also reflect upon the 2030 SDG agenda and the full inclusion of Indigenous peoples.


Name Title Biography
Fiona Cram Dr Fiona Cram (Ngāti Pāhauwera) has over 20 years of Kaupapa Māori (by Māori, for Māori) research and evaluation experience with Māori and tribal organisations. In 2020 she co-authored a Sage volume with Jill Chouinard on Culturally Responsive Approaches to Evaluation.
Serge Eric Yakeu Djiam Mr Serge Eric Yakeu Djiam is a Former President of the African Evaluation Association. He has 18+ years’ experience with universities as a Visiting Professor and Team Leader in evaluation with government, CSOs, donors/funders, and UN agencies, working in Africa, Europe, North-America, Middle-East, Asia
Nicole Bowman Dr Nicole Bowman (Lunaape/Mohican) is a traditional Ndulunaapeewi Kwe (Lunaape woman), engaged community member and a scientific and evaluation innovator and advocate. Her academic lodge sits at the intersection of truth, spirituality, traditional knowledge, sovereignty, governance and evaluation.
Aneta Cram Ms Aneta Cram (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Pahauwera) is a part-time evaluator for a consulting company in Aotearoa New Zealand, the Program Chair for the Indigenous Peoples in Evaluation TIG for the American Evaluation Association and a doctoral student in evaluation at Victoria University of Wellington
Florence Etta Ms Florence Etta, an award-winning evaluator, is CEO and Principal Consultant with GRAIDE International Consultants, a monitoring, evaluation and research enterprise devoted to supporting CSOs and NGOs and bridging the CSO-Government divide in order to make development more gender transformative
Awuor Ponge Mr Awuor Ponge is an Associate Fellow at the African Policy Centre (APC). He is also a Doctoral Candidate and Adjunct Faculty at Kenyatta University’s Department of Sociology, Gender and Development Studies. He is also an evaluator working in the international development sector
Victor Manuel Quintero Dr Victor Manuel Quintero is an economist with experience in the design of evaluation systems through the construction, use and participatory interpretation of indicators focused on the evaluation of effects and impacts. He works in EvalIndigenous, Public Innovation and Intercultural Assessment.

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators Other

Event Details
