M&E Culture Baseline Study: 5 Country Findings


About the Event

Twende Mbele (meaning Going Forward Together) is a peer learning partnership of African governments who are interested in the use of Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) systems to strengthen their performance and accountability. The core country partners are South Africa, Ghana, Benin, Uganda and Ghana. The collaborating partner countries are Kenya and Niger.

As part of its effort to promote institutionalisation of M&E across the Public Sector in partner countries, Twende Mbele commissioned a survey to document the state of M&E culture in the five-member countries. The study sought was aimed at generating baseline information that will help facilitate peer learning and serve as a basis for future M&E capacity development in the targeted countries. The purpose of the research was to assess the state of performance M&E culture in the three participating governments by seeing how each country’s various M&E systems interact to improve performance and accountability, with a specific focus on policy, approach, concepts, framework and organisational arrangements in the public sector in Benin, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa and Uganda.

Twende Mbele will host a webinar, this webinar will bring together practitioners, researchers and experts who form part and parcel of the 5 country M&E Ecosystem. Each speaker will share the key findings from their country M&E Culture Baseline Study, whilst participants will gain access to relevant publications to provide insights for each presenting country. The webinar will be a virtual presentation and discussion facilitated and accessed online.


Name Title Biography
Elias Segla Administrator Specialist in Governance and Public Management He has accumulated over 18 years of professional experience, including 13 years of management in the private and public sectors during which he worked in the fields of governance and local development, and in organizational analysis.

Topics and Themes

NA-Government Officials NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners

Event Details
