M&E diagnostics and its use in building country M&E systems


About the Event

Governments around the world today are grappling with demands for reforms in public management. Policy makers in developing countries are increasingly using M&E as a valuable tool for public management. A first step towards building a results based M&E system in a country is conducting a “readiness assessment”. This important step provides a useful analytical framework to assess a given country’s organizational capacity and political willingness to monitor and evaluate its goals and develop a performance based framework. This is a key step, often missed in many developing countries, in building country M&E systems.

This panel moves forward key reflections on the opportunities and challenges in monitoring and evaluation capacity development by underlying the value of M&E diagnostics. The panel will introduce the Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis (MESA) tool and shed light on how M&E diagnostic tools can be effectively used by government institutions in building country M&E systems. The panel will also aim to discuss strategies to generate appetite within the government on using the MESA tool for specific purposes and ways in which governments can benefit from using the tool.


Name Title Biography
Dr Ian Goldman Advisor on Evaluation and Evidence Systems Ian is an International Advisor on Evaluation & Evidence Systems & an Adjunct Professor at the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, Univ. of Cape Town. He worked in the Department of Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation, South Africa, where he established & ran the National Evaluation System.
Shri Shailendra Dwivedi Joint Secretary Shailendra has rich experience as a policy maker as well as working with large teams in the implementation of change during his career as a Civil Servant. Financial & social inclusion, quality assurance & transparency in governance, global logistics, & sustainable development are his specialisations
Dr Lycia Lima Deputy Director Holds a PhD in Public Administration and Government with emphasis on Politics and Economics of the Public Sector from (FGV EAESP), with visiting periods at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and University College London.
Moderator - Sohini Mookherjee Senior Capacity Building Manager Sohini works with various stakeholders like the government (central and state level), civil society, donors and multilateral organisations to build a strong monitoring and evaluation ecosystem in South Asia.

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators Poverty NA-National M&E Systems

Event Details
